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•two years ago•

"Ready?" He asked me, pulling up Twitter on his phone. I nodded, leaning into his side, my head on his shoulder. He tweeted it. The moment I've waited for since we began dating a few weeks ago. It was a professional, but nice tweet.

"I so happy to be with you." I told him, putting my arms around him and squeezing. I reached up to kiss his cheek. He pressed his lips to my forehead, giving me butterflies.

"I'm so happy to call you mine." He whispered in my ear. People quickly began to RT and like his tweet, and private messages began to fill his inbox. We looked at a couple of them, fans blowing up about the fact that he wasn't single anymore.

"This'll be all over the Internet in a couple of hours for sure." He said as I still held onto him.

"I'm hungry." I groaned, my tummy beginning to rumble.

"Go to the fridge, I'm sure I've got something you like." He told me. I got up from sitting by him and went to his fridge. The shoulder of my shirt fell down, leaving my bare shoulder to be shown. I went over to the refrigerator to try and find something to eat.

As I was looking, Nick came and put his hands on my shoulders, kissing my bare one softly. I leaned back into his chest, letting his kisses lead up from my shoulder all the way to my cheek, eventually reaching my lips. I turned around, kissing him even more. I put both my hands on his face, and my lips melting with his. His phone began to ring right before he pushed me against the counter, causing us to get heated.

"Ugghhh." He groaned, throwing his head back and going over to answer it. I continued to look in the fridge, finding nothing that I wanted to eat. I rummaged in the cabinets, finding nothing there as well.

"....yeah. I can do that. Of course....," I looked over to my boyfriend as he talked on the phone and waited for him to be finished," see you tomorrow. Bye." Nick hung up, putting the phone in his back pocket.

"You have nothing to eat." I pouted, crossing my arms.

"Well, we could go out and get something if you want." He suggested. That got me excited.

"Mediterra " We said at the same time. He knew that I loved Mediterra, and we both thought that it was one of the best places to eat at in New Jersey. I got my purse off the counter and went to grab my jacket from the couch as Nick grabbed his keys.

"Aren't you going to need a jacket? It's freezing out there." I pointed out, considering it winter time here in New Jersey. He shook his head no, both of us going out the front door, Nick locking it. I was still chilly, even though I had on a jacket so I held onto my boyfriend's arm as we went to the car. He opened my door for me, some snow falling in the expensive car. I got in, and as he turned on the vehicle, I turned up the heat on my side.

"Are you seriously that cold?" He laughed at me as he drove down the road, putting his hand on my knee. I nodded, my teeth slightly stopping their chattering. As we got to Mediterra, there were paparazzi all over the place, just asking us all kinds of questions. We made our way inside, the paparazzi not aloud to come in. I was still chilly when we got in there and sat down to eat. I tried hiding behind my menu, as people were staring.

"Parker, what are you doing?" He hissed at me with amusement in his tone.

"People are staring." I whispered. He looked around and saw that I was right. There were quite a few people looking our way and talking to each other.

"Can I sit by you?" I was close to calling him 'babe', but we had never called each other that. It was just what we did. Any of those names had never come up between us. He nodded, smiling at me.

I slid in the booth next to him, feeling warmer as I leaned into him. The waitress came over to take our order, a look of confusion across her face. She pushed it aside, asking us what we wanted for lunch in a nice tone. We ordered, then he leaned over and gave me a kiss. It took me a second to recover from it, but after I did a smile came on my lips.

"That warmed me right up, Nick." I laughed, leaning into his side, sliding my hands up and down his arm.

"I love you Parker Grace." He whispered in my ear, kissing it. People continued to watch on, but we tried to ignore it. Soon enough, our food came, and we ate right away, and the glances we were getting began to bother me.

"Nick." I hissed to him, taking a sip of my Diet Coke. He looked over to me, wiping his mouth with his napkin and setting it back on his lap.


"They're bothering me." I glanced over at the people looking, all of a sudden they looked away and blushed when Nick looked over at them.

"Try to ignore it." He told me clearly, continuing to eat.


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