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Silvia's POV

I knocked at the office door and heard him invite me in . I entered the office and closed the door gently.

"Alpha Hades." I bowed my head in respect and looked at him. He was staring at me with a certain emotion in his eyes but as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared. I sighed. "You needed me sir." He looked me up and down. The way his blue eyes looked at me like it was looking through my soul as if searching for something. He was so beautiful with his shiny black hair and perfectly trimmed beards. I don't know why my heart did a backflip when my eyes met with his but I ignored it.

"Yes yes. I need you to brief me on how the training is going with the new recruits. Are they behaving and training well?" He asked as he took out his laptop to start writing in my report. I knew if I had passed a bad report on my warriors, he would deal with them till they're the killers he wants them to be. He would let the Gamma train them and trust me when I say the Gamma is a true killer at heart. Don't piss him off.

"Yes they are doing very well Alpha. Incredibly well to say the least. They follow my every command and train like there's no tomorrow. Give them more time and they'll become the warriors you want them to be." I said curtly and he typed in my report in his laptop.

"That's very good." He said with no emotion. Well that is our alpha for you. Very cold and cruel. Ruthless and merciless. Shows no ounce of mercy. Known to kill even babies and the old. "You may leave now." He told me and I stood up to leave but was halted by his question.

"Your birthday is in three days right?" I blushed a little knowing that Alpha Hades knows my birthday.

"Yes sir." I said as I turned around.

"Okay." That same emotion crossed his eyes again and disappeared immediately.

"May I leave now sir?" I asked but he didn't reply me. He just kept on looking at me before he nodded and waved me off.

I was heading back to my room when Dylan, my other best friend, stopped me. I groaned and smacked my forehead in frustration. All I just asked for was a little time to myself to sleep for goodness sake!

"Wow, you look peachy this bright afternoon." Dylan said sarcastically .

"Don't start with me Jones." I glared at him.

"Using last name terms I see." He rubbed his chin and looked at me. "Someone's pissed. What's up with you?" He asked.

"It's Alpha Hades and his stupid commands. Make sure the new recruits are doing fine. Do this and do that." I tried to mimic him in the manliest voice I could muster. Dylan laughed his butt off.

"Wait till Alpha hears what you just said about him." He chuckled and I glared at him.

"It's not funny Dylan. He's making me increase the hours of training in case there's a rogue attack." I air quoted the rogue attack. "He knows we can take down these rogues easily. I don't know why he's busting my ass for us to train more." I looked at Dylan and he paled but I still continued. "I don't know what's up with that Alpha but he needs to get his ass checked." I rolled my eyes and folded my arms.

"I need to get my ass checked?" There it was. The voice of the devil himself. I paled as I turned around to see the murderous look on his face.

"No Alpha. It's not what you think. I'm so sorry Alpha. It will never repeat itself." I stuttered like a frightened duck as I looked down at the floor not daring to look him in the face. My legs wobbled and I tried so hard to remain standing and not fall over.

"It's exactly what I think." His menacing voice said. "And I'm going to punish you for that." I gulped in fear and I'm very sure my face drained of its color. I felt him in front of me and I looked up to see his eyes flickering from black to blue with an unreadable emotion. I looked around me and saw that people had gathered. Fear and concern etched on their faces.

All of a sudden, I felt firm hands grip my neck and I struggled for air. I felt my legs dangling in the air and I thrashed around to release myself from his grip. He landed a hard punch on the right side of my face and I literally saw black and white in my right eye.

"You will learn to respect me." He said in a calm but deadly tone that held respect. I felt my head hit the wall behind me with so much impact.

He threw me on the wall! Fucking bitch!

He ran to where I was and picked me up by my hair. I whimpered in pain but that didn't stop him. He forced me to look at him.

"Who am I?!" He growled loudly.

"You are Alpha Hades Zanders. The devil himself. The one who reigns down hell on people. The king of hell. King Hades." (A/N : hades means hell) I spat out reluctantly but was in pain as I was saying that. It hurt me so much that Alpha Hades would do that to me. I mean it doesn't matter because I'm no one to him but the fact he hurt me hurt my wolf and I.

He slammed my head so hard on the floor that it felt like my brain turned upside. My vision was starting to blur but I knew I wasn't going to pass out. I remained on the floor and watched his retreating form. But I guess what pained me the most was he looked to be enjoying what he was doing to me. There was no sign of remorse at all in his eyes.
I stood up from the ground and held my head in pain. I saw everyone staring at me with sympathy and that angered me.

"Stop looking at me!" I shouted at them with tears rolling down my face and ran to my room. I slumped on my bed and cried for what seemed to be hours before welcoming the darkness that followed.

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