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Silvia's POV.

"Hades! What the hell are you doing to Silvia?!" Nina boomed and ran to my side.

"Showing her how much I don't need a mate." Hades growled at Nina and she gasped.

"She's your mate?" Nina asked him surprisingly but he just glared at her. She turned to me for answers and I nodded. "She's your mate and you are beating her up like this! You knew since the day you turned 19 and yet you did nothing!! Why are you such a cruel bastard?!" Nina was on full rage now as she was shouting at Hades.

"I don't care what you say to me Nina. I've already rejected her." Hades said and left me and everyone else in shock and pain as he walked back into the pack house.

"GET THIS DOOR FIXED!" His voice boomed from inside. Nina rushed to my side but I held my hand up to stop her.

"I'm fine Nina. It's just a rejection." I smiled weakly at her.

"No Silv. It's not just a rejection. It's from your mate." Her voice quivered. Nina looked around and saw pack members looking at me with sympathy and some with hatred. Hatred mostly from the young girls of this pack who wished for Hades to be their mate.

"Like I said, it's fine. I'll just head into the woods for a run to blow off some steam. My wolf is very depressed right now." I smiled at Nina and ran towards the wood. I shifted into my wolf as I was running and now hit a full sprint. Dodging through trees and obstacles as I ran for God knows how long. I skidded to a stop when my hind my legs were now hurting and it was night time already. I sniffed the air to see if I was still in my territory and I relaxed when I knew it was still the Dark Shadows territory. I walked to a nearby lake and sat on my fours in front of the lake.

"How are you feeling Snow?" I asked my wolf.

"I feel terrible. Why would our mate reject us? Are we not strong enough for him? We are the head pack warrior! Are we not beautiful?" Snow whined and whimpered.

"It's okay Snow. Hades is just a fool and it's only a matter of time before he realizes what he's done." I said trying to comfort her because if she's depressed, then it's definitely going to affect me.

"Will you accept his rejection?" Snow asked with caution.

"Not yet. I know it could take me into a state of depression and I could die but I'm stronger than that. I won't let a rejection bring me down." I said confidently to Snow and I felt her go back to the back of my mind. I sighed and looked up at the moon. I howled a howl of pain and rejection. The howl was full of power so I'm pretty sure the whole pack heard it. Werewolves can recognize each other's howls and can decipher what each howl means. Right now, mine meant pain and rejection.

I can't let this rejection rule me. I am Silvia Esperanza Stone. The head pack warrior of the Dark Shadows pack, the most fearful and biggest pack in the world. I am a fighter. I won't let this painful rejection break me. I stood up and ran back to the pack house. I stopped behind a tree and shifted back to my human form. I wore the huge T-shirt that was kept behind the tree and it stopped below my thighs. I sighed and ran up to my room.

I took off the T-shirt and ran into the bathroom to take a quick shower. I wore only my underwear when I was done and laid on my bed. That's when the tears came out in floods and I cried myself to sleep.

Hades's POV.

The look on her face after what I had done to her was so heartbreaking but that's none of my business. I don't give a fuck about Silvia. Ever since I turned 19, I knew from the moment I saw her that she was my mate but I didn't act upon it because I never wanted a mate. It's not like I had a bad past or anything to have made me who I am now. I just hate affection and everything that goes with it.

I became the man I am today not by affection but my ruthlessness, cruelty and merciless acts. It's not by affection that my pack is the most fearful and strongest pack in the world so I won't start showing affection just because I've found a mate. I'll forever be a cruel bastard that I am and even if it means beating the crap out of Silvia, I would.

I hate her and I will never love her.

I went to my room and heard a very powerful howl coming from a distance but the howl was etched with so much pain and agony. I immediately knew the howl belonged to Silvia. I smothered a laugh and laid on my bed.

Pathetic little mate of mine can't even handle a rejection. Fuck her.

"Fuck her?! Do you have any idea what you've done to our mate?!" Solace, my wolf, yelled at me with so much anger.

"Please Solace, I don't have time for this right now. I will never want her or anybody now crawl back to the back of my mind so I can have a peaceful sleep." I said calmly to my wolf.

"You will never be at peace." Solace said and with that, he crept back to the back of my mind and stayed there.

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