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You groan as you watch tv. Today is only the 2/7th day of your period. "Y/N!!" You hear a cheerful voice say. "In here." you reply. Calum soon walked into your bedroom. "Luke invited us to go the pool today." He smiled. You felt your throat go dry. "I-I cant." You say. "You can't what... swim?" He ask. "No.. I just can't... not this week." You mumble. "What do you.... ohhhhh." He says. You blush furiously and look down. God this is embarrassing."Ill be back." Calum says, racing out of the bedroom.

You stay in the bedroom, waiting for nearly 30 minutes before he returns. "I got you stuff." He says as he places the many, many bags down on the bed. the bags were filled with flowers, chocolates, and other candies. "Cal." you say smiling. "I have an older sister." He says, trying to act cool. You giggle and kiss him in the cheek. "Thanks babe." You say.


You sat on the couch cuddling with Ashton. You were on your period and convinced Ash to not go anywhere today. You held tightly onto your stomach as a sharp pain entered your lower stomach. "Is something wrong Y/N?" Ashton asks. You shake your head. "No." you speak. "Are you sure?" he asks. "It's nothing important." You say. "What is it?" He asks. "Ummm it's kinda.... a personal problem." You try to say without giving it away. "Oh I get it."he says. You nod an look away. "It's not anything to be ashamed about." he says giggling. "I know, it's just, embarrassing." You admit. "I understand, would you like me to go get you some sweets?" He asks. You nod. "Thank you Ashton." you smile.


"Luke I need you to do something for me." You yell from the bedroom. "Yeah babe?" he says a minute later, walking into the bedroom. "Will you go to the store and buy me some... tampons." You say, coughing the word 'tampons'. "Oh,um sure. Yeah, I'll be back in 10." he says as he stammered out of the door. Oh God how embarrassing.

Luke shows up about 10 minutes later with nearly 5 bags filled with different types of tampons. "Luke, what happened?" you ask. "I didn't know which ones to get..." He says shyly. "So you bought the whole store?" You ask laughing. "I guess so." He laughs. "I also bough chocolate."He says grinning. "Thanks Lukey." you say smiling as you hug him. "You're the best."


You sat at home with Michael playing video games. "Dammit!" You screamed as you died again. You threw the controller down as anger boiled inside of you. "Hey, baby, chill." Michael says as he picks up the controller. "I hate this fucking game." You mutter as you take a seat on the couch and grip your aching stomach. "Y/N it's okay baby, it's just a game." he says. You roll your eyes. You hold on to your stomach tighter as a wave of pain pokes at it. "Are you okay?" Michael asks. You groan in agony. "Peachy." you reply. "I think I know what's going on here." He nods. You blush and look up at him. "It's okay babe, I'm right here if you need me." He says as he rubs your back.

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