Chapter 12

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Recap: "Gayoon?" "Hmm?" I turn back to him, only to immediately have his lips pressed against mine. I'm shocked at first, but I quickly melt into the kiss, closing my eyes. He pulls away after a moment and sends me a dazzling smile. "I really like you Kim Gayoon," he says and I smile. "As do I, Park Jimin." And then he's connecting our lips again in a kiss that is not as gentle as the one before, but I don't really care. A warm feeling spreads in the pit of my stomach and I press myself closer to him, not wanting to part from the warmth he is providing. Cliche or not, this is the best date I've ever been on. Not that I've been on many dates to begin with...

Gayoon's POV

"Hey Yoonie, where were you yesterday? You disappeared after school and didn't come home until really late."

I glance up fro my laptop at my brother who is busy trying to kill a zombie.

"I thought I saw you with Jimin?" He phrases the statement as a question and I quickly glance back at the screen in front of me, trying not to show any emotion on my face.

"Why would I be with that idiot? I was in the library doing some extra work to bring my math grade up. Mr. Choi wouldn't let me retake the last test that I failed so I had to persuade him to give me make up work," I lie, avoiding eye contact. I'm a pretty good liar if I do say so myself, but I've heard from many people that my eyes give everything away, so I try not to look directly at people when I lie.

"You're having trouble in math? I could've helped you, you know," Taehyung says, pausing his game and turning to face me. I take a chance and look up at him, knowing that if I didn't, it'd be obvious that I was lying because of too much lack of eye contact.

"I'm ok now. I was just a little confused on the last unit, but I brought my grade back up so everything is fine," I say. He shrugs and unpauses his game.

"Wanna play a round with me?" he asks, not turning back to look at me, too busy trying not to be killed. I turn my attention to the screen, wincing as he decapitates a zombie and blood splatters all over his character.

"Um, I'll pass. I'm gonna go take a shower," I say, closing my laptop and pushing myself up off of the bean bag chair I was resting on.

"Your loss," he says and I roll my eyes.

Walking out of Taehyung's room is like a breath of fresh air. He isn't a super dirty person, but he doesn't have a fan and he never leaves his door open or opens a window, so it gets pretty stuffy in their very easily.

"Mind if I join you?"

I let out a small squeak, spinning around with a hand on my heart. Jimin leans against the wall, a lazy smirk spread across his face.

"Park Jimin you almost gave me a heart attack!" I whisper-yell, slapping his arm. He just chuckles and pushes himself off of the wall.

"I heard you were going to take a shower. Need some company?" He winks suggestively and I scoff, stepping away from him.

"I think I'll manage by myself," I say, turning to walk down the hallway.

"What a shame. I was really hoping you'd say otherwise," he calls after me, his tone light and teasing. I pause as I reach the door to my bedroom and turn back to him.

"If I did need someone to shower with me, you'd be the last person I'd ask." I send him a wink and slip into my room, his laughter following after me through the thin walls. I hear a door open and close, and then some shouting, followed by a lot of gunshots. With a shake of my head, I drop my laptop onto my bed and grab a towel, making my way into my bathroom, suddenly craving the comfort of a hot shower.

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