Chapter two: let the games begin

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                                                      BIANCA'S POINT OF VIEW

From that smirk on Ari's clear smooth face it showed it all, but honestly I wish she used less foundation from how smooth and non-bumpy her face is, it's unbelievable, but back to the subject, she hasn't said one word and honestly it's creeping me out. Once I looked over at Karyssa for some help, she was asleep with her phone in her hand on her chest like she's doing the Pledge of Allegiance. Even though Karyssa will pinch me or something for this, I know I'll regret it in some way, I grabbed a pillow getting ready for the pain I'm gonna receive in less than 5 seconds if I'm lucky 10 seconds, I tighten my grip on the pillow and smashed the pillow on her face and as her phone flew out of her hand and sat up fast. She immediately slapped my leaving a bright red handprint on my left cheek.

Ari's eyes popped out of her eye sockets like she seen an elephant giving birth "Jeez! Karyssa calm down!" she said in a calm voice, I held so many tears back I think I'm going to pee them out later but I gulped the tears down and mumbled out and tried to be my cheerful self again,"What was that smirk all about?"

When I looked over at Karyssa, she grabbed the 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew and started chugging it. Ari folded her hands and coughed like she had something in her throat and blabbered out, "Are you guys ready? But once you agree there is NO backing out!'

We all agreed on it. She goes in the kitchen, bringing back 3 candles and a mirror, with that same smirk, she passed out one to each of us and we sat in a circle, well a triangle, and she started to speak. "Again NO and I repeat NO backing out. This game is called Bloody Mary!" Karyssa urgently dropped the candle, and walked into the kitchen mumbling something Ari and I didn't understand.

We walked in after her and we saw her pull out a lighter and light something that was in her mouth but we couldn't see too clearly, and I think we didn't want to know either. Ari got closer. We both smelt smoke. Ari put a hand on her shoulder but she locked her body, making it hard for Ari to turn Karyssa. "If you guys think im gonna be doing that you can go suck a -," I stopped her and yelled, "LANGUAGE!" Karyssa sighed and put what was in her hand in a cup that had left over iced tea. Ari's eyes widen "Karyssa, you can die" When she turned she spat out " Last time I checked I took health class dumb a-" I stopped her again" LANGUAGE!"

"Com'on Krys we have to do this. Besides ghosts aren't even real!" Ari states.

"So may I ask what happened to Sally, hmm?" Karyssa crossed her arms, as I sat there going back and forth I at least had to say 'language' to her at least 20 times.

"Fine, whatever!" she spat out getting aggravated."

Ari jumps up and down clapping, "YAY!"

But honestly all i can think about is what we're getting into.

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