chapter 2

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"This seems like a nice party," Darla smiled as she looked at the festivities. "It's nice to meet you all."

"Yeah." Annabelle said.

"This is great! This is incredible! This is... Confusing... What the heck's a Fairy-Versary?" Timmy then asked.

"We were wondering that ourselves." Amber nodded to him.

Wanda then poofed up with Cosmo and magicked up a cake with a candle in it. "It was exactly one year ago we became Timmy's fairy godparents."

"So, that's a big deal, huh?" Darla asked.

"Yeah," the Easter Bunny hopped over and hid an egg under Timmy's hat. "By this time, most of you squirts get your fairy godparents taken away."

"And why's that?" Amber asked.

Jorgen then used his giant wand and made a vision appear like a video clip.

"Hey, it's Denise and Greg!" Murray said to Cosmo and Wanda. "How come you guys don't get invited to their fish bowl for dinner anymore?"

"Uh, remember, the elephant?" Wanda replied nervously.

"Oh, right..." Cosmo seemed to go along with that himself.

"Ahem!" Jorgen cleared his voice.

"Sorry, please go on." Murray replied.

"When a child does something to reveal the existence of their fairy godparents and made them go away forever!" Jorgen replied as the boy in the video clip revealed to a girl that he had fairy godparents which made a giant rule book appear and suck away the two fairies from existence on Earth.

"But you are that rare kid who managed not to blow it for 365 straight days!" Cupid smiled to Timmy.

"How could any kid be stupid enough to reveal their fairy godparents?" Darla asked.

"You would be surprised." Wanda mumbled.

"Congratulations, Timmy!" the others cheered for the boy.

"Cool! I mean, crud!" Timmy replied.

"What's wrong, Timmy?" Amber asked her cousin.

"My parents are home and my room is filled with loud magic people!" Timmy panicked.

"Uh-oh..." Darla frowned.

"Oh, relax, Timmy, we prepared for everything." Wanda said.

"Which means Wanda prepared for everything." Murray chuckled.

"Yep!" Cosmo agreed with him.

"I zapped your doorknob, so anyone who touches it will instantly forget what they were doing," Wanda replied. "I call it 'The Forget-Me-Knob'."

"Does it work?" Darla asked.

"Let's take a look, shall we?" Wanda made a screen appear om her wand.

The screen then showed the outside of Timmy's bedroom door to show a man with black hair who was listening in and was about to come inside.

"Oh, Timmy, what's that loud, almost magical racket I hear coming from your room--" he then touched the doorknob and seemed fazed slightly. "Mate...? I had one in college, I should call him!" he then smiled and walked away from the door.

"Huh, well would you look at that?" Darla smiled.

"Come on, Timmy, open your presents!" Cosmo smiled as he waved his wand with Wanda and gave him a diving board.

Timmy smiled and dove from the board and jumped into the present pile, coming out of one of them.

"And now, here to help you open your presents is our musical entertainment: Mr. Fairy Cowlick Jr!" he then introduced.

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