chapter 10 ⚔ Burned

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Oliver was in the hideout, working out more fiercely than ever, shirtless. All he could remember was being beaten by the other archer. He tossed up a tennis ball, shooting an arrow toward it.

The arrow shot into the wall.

The tennis ball fell to the floor, bouncing slightly.

I walked toward him. "How you doing? Rehab going good?"

Oliver looked around the room. "Any news on Walter?"

"John's contact at the bureau struck out," I told him. "Same with his guy at Interpol. They're both saying the same thing."

"Either my stepfather doesn't want to be found or someone doesn't want him to be found," Oliver told me.

"It's been six weeks, Oliver," I told him. "No contact from the kidnappers, no ransom demand, no proof of life. I hate to sound..."

"Jill..." Oliver trailed off, turning to me, nodding. "We both know he's more than likely dead."

Oliver started to pace.

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

"I don't know," Oliver told me. 

"Even my contacts in the Bratva can't dig up a lead," I told him. "But I wasn't talking about Walter." I picked up Robert's journal with the list of names of the people who had failed Starling City. "Back at fighting weight, looks like. And last I checked, there were more than a few names to cross off in this book."

Oliver turned to face me. "Those people aren't going anywhere. With Walter missing, my family needs me right now."

"If that's what you want," I told him. "I'll take the lead on this thing."

Oliver nodded. "Thank you."

Oliver walked past me.

I gazed off into nothing.


Flashback - 5 Years Ago   

Yao Fei, Edward Fyers, Jill and Oliver were in the woods on the island.

Edward was tied up.

Yao held a radio toward Edward. "Tell your people to bring the plane."

"My people will be here shortly," Edward told them. "Do you not think it convenient you captured me so easily?"

The man in the orange and black mask walked out of the treeline toward them.

Yao looked at Jill and Oliver. "Go!"

"What?" Jill asked.

"Run!" Yao told them, pulling the hood over his head.

Oliver brought Jill away from the fight.

Yao ran toward the man in the mask. The masked man tried to slash into him with a blade. Yao raised his bow to block the move, trying to kick him. The masked man ducked.

Jill and Oliver were running away through the woods.

Men in dark clothes with shotguns and rifles were aiming in the direction of Jill and Oliver, firing.

Jill and Oliver had to hide behind trees for cover, looking back, seeing the masked men and the uniformed men take Yao away. They looked horrified.



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