chapter 14 ⚔ The Odyssey

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John and I were still in the hideout that same night.

I was still in my suit, putting my swords and knives away into the wooden box, not wearing my mask.

John was sitting at the table, watching the news.

"So far the police are unwilling to comment, but unsubstantiated eyewitness reports claim that the Starling City the hood attacked Mrs. Queen in her office earlier tonight. She was unharmed in the assault."

I heard a voice behind me. "Excuse me?" I drew a sword from the box, turning to point the sword at the girl behind me. It was Felicity. "Can you help me? He's really heavy." She looked at me. "And everything about you and Oliver Queen just became so clear."

I realized that Oliver must have been hurt, putting the sword down, running past Felicity.

John and I had gotten Oliver inside, lying him on a table, rolling him toward the middle of the room.

Oliver had been shot, unconscious. 

I pulled off his shirt and hood, placing them aside.

John put a cloth over Oliver's wound to keep pressure on it. "Oh, damn it. He just missed a carotid. It's a zone two wound." He took Felicity's hand, putting her hands over the wound for her to keep pressure on it. "Press there."

"I should have taken him to a hospital," Felicity told us. 

John walked toward a medical cart, pushing it closer. 

I walked away toward my box. "No, Felicity, that's why he asked you to bring him here. Because he knew the police would want to how and why he got that wound."

"I'm guessing how and why are Oliver Queen's least favorite questions," Felicity told us.

I walked closer with the herbs. "Yeah, well, there's also when and where, he's not too fond of."

I moved Felicity's hands, using the herbal mixture to sterilize the wound.

"So, if we can't bring him to the hospital..." Felicity trailed off.

John was going through the medical cart. "We bring the hospital to him."

John pulled out a blood bag.

"Is that..." Felicity trailed off.

"Yeah," John answered. "His blood. He stored it for a rainy day. And I say right now, it's pouring." He walked over with surgical tools. "I got it. Over there."

Felicity backed away toward me. "You know what you're doing?"

"Yeah," John answered. "I had some medical training in the army. I just hope it's enough." He pulled the cloth away from the wound. Felicity had to look away from the blood. "You remember playing 'Operation' when you were a kid?"

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