Chapter Five

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The man approached us with an expression of pure hatred across his face. George leant over to me subtly and whispered in my ear “Try to distract him” I nodded softly. I rushed to grab something, anything. I felt a standard glass salt shaker in my hand and threw it forcefully at his rock hard skull he turned to look at me without a flinch. Everyone else in the diner ran out screaming. I ran a corner away from me trying to draw the attention to me “Hey Idiot”. It worked. The man started to walk faster his feet dragging along the floor as if he was a puppet. George teleported Mitchell and Dane out of the room. The man was now metres away from me and I was completely defenceless. Another step. I tried climbing the plastered walls but it was no use, I was completely and utterly cornered. Another step. It was hopeless, I was going to die. George teleported behind the demon’s back and sliced him in half with a bronze sword. Black blood spurted out of his body like a fountain. I suddenly could breathe again.

“They know where we are we need to leave immediately” George warned.

“Was that another demon?” I asked ignoring his warning.

“Yes, A very dangerous one. We’re lucky that we’re still alive. You did a great job son…We-”

“What is that in your hand?” I interrupted.

“It’s… well it was one of your ancestor’s swords… It’s mine now though” George replied while being distracted by the short sharp bronze blade “We need to go”

“All right” I agreed, it’s not like I had a choice. We left the body and went straight to the car where Mitchell and Dane were waiting.We left the body and went straight to the car where Mitchell and Dane were waiting.

“Now… London” George stated. I got into the car as George started it and began to drive. Along the way I looked out at the rolling green hills of Southern England and the occasional old cottage. After an hour of picturesque scenery, we drove past the outskirts and into the City itself. I looked at the fuel monitor.

“We’re out of fuel… look” I alerted George and pointed toward the ‘E’ on the fuel monitor.

“Doesn’t matter, we’re not too far now lads” informed George.

“Thank God!” Exclaimed Mitchell.

We arrived at a row of old Victorian Terrace. George jumped out the car as the rest of us followed. He walked to one of the identical houses. It was made from brown brick and had a faded dark blue front door. It was two stories high with a flat roof at the top. At had a large window box with a yellow curtain covering whatever was inside the house. George opened the gate, walked to the front door and knocked four times.

“Password?” the voice of an old women came from behind the door and George leant forward and muttered something which was somewhat obviously the password as the door swung open and the four of us ran inside before the door shut behind us. The room was incredibly dusty and had the aroma of musk and old leather jackets. The house looked like any ordinary Victorian house. It a lounge room, a kitchen, a dining room and a bathroom.

“Why are we here?” Dane asked.

“You know that safe haven I was talking about?” George answered with another question.

“Yeah” Mitchell replied wiping the dust off the dining table.

“We’re going there now” George commented

“You think there would be less dust in safe haven, don’t you Thomas?” Mitchell rhetorically whispered to me.

“Oh, come off it” I replied jokingly.

“Boys over here” George called.

We all came towards him. He was at the backdoor of the house. He opened the door and we all walked out. I was expecting to see a normal small backyard instead I saw enormous Campsite with roughly thirty small houses and almost that many people walking, talking, fighting, eating and sleeping.

“Thomas, Dane… Welcome to the safe haven” George announced as he patted both our backs. 

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