Chapter Six

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I simply couldn't process everything I was seeing. The landscape was dotted with buildings that looked like Ancient Greek architecture. In a nearby sandpit a few dozen people from the age of high school- to middle aged were practising archery, sword fighting, javelin and in some cases even levitation. Down at the end of the porch, two girls my age sat across from each. One of the girls noticed me, she had long blonde hair and the other had short dark black hair an pointed the dark haired one to me.

"Thomas?" She called, it was Mary and next to her was Toni.

"How did you guys get here" I asked running over to them. Mitchell and Dane followed.

"After you disapeared I had vision telling me to come here" Mary replied "Toni and I took the first plane to London and well we're here now"

"My Father, George teleorted us, Mitchell, Dane and I to the South but we um.. ran into trouble along the way." I replied. "How is place.."

"Bigger on the inside" Toni interupted "It's another deminsion apparently, a bit like how I make energy shields although it's hundreds of times bigger and can also fit inside a Victorian house. But that's not all, I heard that there are more entrances so it is almost like a portal inside a house but is also in many other places at the same time."

"Of course" I replied sarcastically. She looked at my faced and realised how confused I was.

"It's hard to explain Ok?"

"Alright, What's this place like?"

"Yeah, It's great there are so many things to do, Archery, Sword Duelling, Obstacle Courses, and yes the list does go on. But there is one bad thing about this place."

"And what is that?" Mitchell asked.

"Everyone is so cold.." Mary replied until George interrupted.

"And they have all the reason to be. We are on the verge of a full scale war against the Demons and I'm afraid to say this but many, many lives will be lost. This is why it more important now than ever that you are here. Safe."

"Why, are you leaving us?" I questioned.

"There is a war Thomas, I have to fight"

I was furious at him how could leave Dane and my life so soon.

"I'm coming with you"

"You are a mere child, there is no place for children in war and Dane needs someone to look after him"

" I am no child and you no It and plus, Mitchell can look after him here"

" Are you sure you want to do this? Because there is no turning back"He asked staring with is pleading eyes at mine.

"Yes" I confirmed confidently.

"We'll so be it" George proclaimed "but you do need some training before we go"

"Hold up, no one is going anywhere without me" Toni demanded.

"It's settled then , the three of us are going out to win the War!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2013 ⏰

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