Note from the writer

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This story is pure spoken poetry.
"He" watches her degrade herself in an attempt to reach the social standards of society. "He" suffers as she creates a temporary mold of what she believes beautiful is not realising that she already is beautiful.
The love he has for her is so great that he will do anything at any cost to make sure she is safe - when she harms herself in an attempt to become beautiful, he takes the pain - when she suffers, he takes her hurt even though she ignores what he has to say and does not realise he has always and will always be there by her side.

Please take note "He" can be taken as anyone or anything; this could be a lover, a son or a friend. Also, I use the word "He" lightly only so it is clear that two characters are being used, in saying this "He" could be a "She" or the subconscious of the "Her".

This is a text of empowerment, opening the eyes of those who have had their culture ripped from their hands and handed paper bags labeled "normal" which is society's standard of beauty. This is for all my Black Brothers, Sisters, Women and Men, fighters, heroes the extraordinary who live day by day being seen as ordinary.

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