4 - Music Room #3

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Once I stepped foot in the main office, I asked for a map. This school was far too huge for me to be able to navigate by myself, so the map helped. I did keep losing my place, but I wasn't expecting any aspect of the academy to be easy.

"1-A, 1-A," I whispered to myself, trailing my finger down the hallways drawn on my map. After what seemed like a mile of walking, I saw the sign that said "1-A" and bolted to the large door. Stepping in, I was a few minutes before the bell rung, so I took my time and looked around.

Students were talking and gossiping, the yellow of the dresses standing out against the color of the boys'. A few heads turned to me with wide eyes. Some whispers spread across the room, words like "commoner" and "boy's uniform." Was it really that big of a deal that I wasn't wearing a dress? And did rich kids actually call people who weren't rich commoners?

"Whatever, I guess," I thought to myself and took the closest empty seat to me as the bell rang.

The day went pretty smoothly. I enjoyed myself, trying my hardest to pay attention to what was being taught, ignoring the stares I got from the wide-eyed girls and straight-faced boys. Some of the other kids were nice to me though, asking me where I was from and what brought me here, etc. etc. Still though, the judgemental over-the-shoulder glances I got from some girls made me want to curl up and hide. It was scary, being so different from everyone around me. But I brushed it off and stood up tall. I could do this.

After classes were over I remembered that I was supposed to get involved into something musical. It was part of my scholarship, but I had no idea where to go or who to ask for information about it. So I wandered through the halls, (probably making it so I would never find a way out) searching for some kind of opportunity.

I gripped my folder full of lyrics to songs and guitar chords, plus a few pages of sheet music. I played the guitar, not piano, but just in case anyone did I stuffed some sheet music in there. Plus, I had always wanted to learn it.

Turning corners and reading room numbers got boring after a while, and I was starting to get tired of staring at the tinted pink tile floor. Suddenly, I saw movement farther down the hall, out of the corner of my eye.

I looked up and saw two boys turning down a hallway a bit in front of me. They looked a little familiar, both tall, one blonde, the other black-haired. Then I realized - the boys from the café the other night!

"Blondie! Glasses!" I called, running down the hall. Both boys stopped and turned around, questioning looks on their faces.

"Hello miss, do you need help?" the blonde one asked, a sweet smile plastered on his face.

I smiled back at him as I came to a stop in front of them. "Yes please, that'd be really nice of you." I paused to breathe heavily. God, I needed to run more.

"Do you know the way to any like, chorus club rooms or music rooms or-"

"Oh of course! We'll take you to our club room now! Everyone will welcome our new guest!" the blonde exclaimed. It seemed like he only heard half of what I said.

"Er, no, that's not-"

Before I knew it, I was being pulled by my arm around some hallways and up some stairs at an alarming rate. Windows and class doors rushed past me as I was dragged through the maze of a school.

Then he stopped. "Hey, I can walk!" I shouted once I realized we weren't moving, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. He let go of me, and I looked at where he had brought me.

We were in an empty corridor, big doors in front of us. I read the sign, "Music Room #3". The guy who brought me here was smiling at me really weirdly. Hmph.

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