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School starts at 7:40 AM, bright and early every Monday through Friday.
This Thursday was no exception.

But at 8:10 AM Marcel was still in his mother's car, stuck in Texas traffic. He's been down the block from St. Gregs for 35 minutes now. Some guy a few cars up is holding up the line by arguing with an officer who pulled him over.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Anne, Marcel's mom, honked her car horn for a good 15 seconds before yelling obscenities out the window.

In his passenger seat mirror Marcel could see a familiar black Jeep behind him. Tahliah's Wrangler.

"Oh no" he groaned quietly. He shrunk down in his seat.

Usually Marcel didn't mind his mother's-



-Road rage but he didn't want Tahliah to see or hear it as a first impression of his mom.

"Mom it's okay, I'll just walk the rest of the way" Marcel tried to offer, loosening his neck tie to brave the Texas heat. Marcel had the door to the black Lexus cracked open when his mom shot him a look.

"I got this" she said with a glare in her eyes. Marcel quickly shut the door.

If you think her road rage is bad, her normal rage is worst.


8:17 AM

During another one of his mother's honking rage, Marcel turned around and saw Tahliah standing outside of her car with one of the lacrosse players who carpools with her. A mischievous grin was plastered on her face and the lacrosse guy was sizing up her Jeep. They nodded on something before he see Tahliah motion for something and jumps back in her car.

*Marcel POV

The top to her Jeep is down and I see Natasha, Tahliah's friend, who was in the front seat stand up in her seat. She's looking behind them and Tahliah starts backing up slightly. She's directing her.

My mom notices, "what are those kids doing? Do they go to your school?"

"Yeah" I murmured still watching. Tahliah's angled at the side walk now- what is she..?-

My mom turns back around to the cop and driver and starts honking her horn in a rhythm. It sounds like the tune to Cotton Eyed Joe. The drive flicks her off and the cop reproaches him.

"Jump on, Brandon", I faintly hear Tahliah yell and the lacrosse guy jumps on the hood of the car. He's motioning her forward.

"...No way" I mutter. They can't do that! There's a cop in front of us! A sucky cop but a cop none the less.

"What?" My mom asks turning back around to see.

Tahliah must have stomped on the gas because her Jeep glides on top of the sidewalk and rides across the field toward the school parking lot. Tahliah lets out loud hoots as they drive across the yard. The cop doesn't even care.

"That's a smart girl. Reckless, but smart" my mom commends as she follows Tahliah's lead, a few cars behind us doing the same.

A Little Tenderness (Marcel/HES)Where stories live. Discover now