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From the corner of my eye I watched Tahlie circle in answers on her crossword puzzle. It was Friday and Mr. Laquire was subbing for Mrs.Malone again. Tahliah's purple hair was down in her usual curls.

She had the top ten words done in six minutes and a couple of the bottom words too. There was only 25 words in all but I've only found two in the time it took her to find thirteen.

It's not hard to tell why she's the salutatorian. Her GPA is a 5.473, with only Erin Kim besting her for the valedictorian spot with his 5.481 GPA.

Tahliah blew a stream of air through her teeth and raked her fingers through her purple bangs in frustration. She glanced at me from the corner of her eyes and I averted my gaze. My cheeks flushed. I had been caught staring.

"Are you going to the lax party next Friday?" She asked casually. Her crossword puzzle laid forgotten on the side of her lab table as she gave me her full attention. Her dark brown eyes felt piercing as she stared me down. I tried to air out my collar to relieve some of the heat my body started to generate,"L-lax-?"

"The lacrosse players are throwing an end of the season party." She explained. I nodded as if I was following along. Tahliah just smiled and my poor heart into a frenzy, "We sent out like a mass text everyone in the school"

I'm pretty sure I didn't get the text considering the fact that I don't have a cellphone. The number that the school has for me is my house landline.

I just nod and Tahlie shoots me an unimpressed look. She mimics my head nod,"Is that yeah for 'yes, I'm attending' or 'yeah, I'm listening'?"

"No talking. This is an independent assignment" Mr.Laquire says not even looking up from his IPad.

Lowering my voice, "Me? I-I'm invited?"

She smiles softly and whispers tenderly," Yeah, of course. I'd love it if you came."

My heart pounds in my chest. I'm invited to Tahlie's party. She wants me to come to her party.

"You're going to be there, right?" I whisper back.

"Of course, I am on the lacrosse team after all" she assured me. Tahliah turns back to her crossword puzzle and knocks off another 7 words instantly.

"Okay." I agree feeling like I'm on a high. I smile to myself as I imagine Tahliah dancing with me- ME! Marcel, the nerd- in front of the whole school, at her party.

"Okay? You're coming?" She ask as a grin breaks across her face. I feel my ear start to heat up and I know I must look like a ripe tomato.


"Yeah?" She ask again.

I just nod as I feel my throat start to constrict.

"Well, than its a date!" She whispers to me as she knocks out her last couple of words. The bell rings and Tahlie stands, she flashes me a quick grin before handing over her paper and leaving the class.

I feel flustered all of a sudden.

My mom won't let me go to a party! There's no way! What the hell was I thinking?

I stand and turn in my incomplete assignment. Mr.LaQuire chuckles and just sets it underneath a couple of completed papers. I'm grateful for that.

I leave the classroom and slowly walk to my locker wondering how I'm gonna go to this party. The halls are empty as usual but I'm suddenly aware that I'm not walking alone.

I look to my left and beside me is blonde girl with a black snap back fitted on her head. She looks at me with unimpressed blue eyes. Her strong eyebrows are narrowed. Natasha, Tahliah's best friend.

"Marcel, right?" She asked as we come to a halt. I nod nervously. She grimaces.

"Are you still coming to the movies with us tonight?" She ask rapidly and checks her phone.

Us? I should have known that it wouldn't have just been Tahlie and I. Once people hears that she's going somewhere, everyone will follow after. They gravitate towards her like she's the sun. She's my sun.

"Uh y-yeah" I mutter out.

She sighs and rolls her eyes. I'm beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"Stellar!" She says sarcastically, "Meet us by Pegino's Pizzaria at 10:30."

She walks off before I can respond. I tightened my grip on my backpack straps and sigh.

"Pegino's Pizzaria. 10:30", I whisper to myself.

This will be good.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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