The Balcony Scene (More or Less)

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'Sir. sir, wake up,' a flight attendant said as she shook me out of my slumber and to my surprise and dismay we had landed safely. AFI was still playing through my headphones. As I turned to get up, I must have been one of the last passengers to leave this stuffy plane. Once again. A shame, really.

Only a few stragglers remained, collecting the last of their items. Good thing I only had a duffel bag because I don't trust plane carriers anyway. Come to think of it, I don't quite trust anything. What a surprise for Mr. Fuentes over here. But I am now in Toronto starting a new life so maybe it would be a good time to start.

I exited the plane to my pre booked 'TorontoLeaf Hotel.' Probably the cheesiest city and the cheesiest hotel to go to. I may be spontaneous, but I do prepare at least a little. I got lots of money and place to stay for a bit, so finding a job and apartment is important but not too important. And the hotel isn't too half bad either. After walking in a getting my room key, I took a look around.

Right when you walk in is half of a living room area and if you turn left there's a door to the bedroom which has a king sized bed dead center. It's almost an apartment in itself with its mini fridge and lounge area. I think I won with this hotel. Let's just say I can spend a little bit of money without it being an issue.

But I need to clear my head and explore. I still don't feel right. Sometimes I get these thoughts and that's what my medication helps. These voices, my own voices tear my body apart with all these options. Luckily my doctor hands out MEDS like they're candy or else I'd actually have to go to therapy or something. It goes like this. I don't want to die, but I don't want to live. I get conflicted sometimes. I don't want to throw my life away, but I don't want to be so uptight. And that's why a lot of people didn't quite get me back home. Of course I'd never take all my medication at once, but I thought about it every single day of my life. Of course I'd never stand in front of a moving train, but I'd go sit and think on the tracks by my house every day almost hoping for one to come. I think that's what killing yourself really is. It's not the dying to live part, it's the living to die.
Like I said. Thinking can be toxic.

After walking around Toronto for a while, I stumbled upon a forest looking place. Who knows maybe I'll get lost and die in there? Not now, Vic. Don't start with your suicidal bullshit; you're supposed to be clearing your head. Not your medicine bottle. But to say this place was beautiful was an understatement. Since I was more on the outskirts of Toronto, the woods weren't too far away. The trees were huge and a nice green color due the July weather. A nice 22 degrees C. Not too hot and not too warm and I loved it.
But my eyes set upon a cliff with a mesmerizing waterfall that cascaded down onto huge boulders. To say I wanted to throw myself off the cliff was an understatement. Truthfully, I would've been doing something for myself. Taking control of my own life. But this was the kind of stuff I was trying to get away from. But it was so beautiful. So I let out my arms and breathed in the clear air.
Another step forward. Another breath. Another step. Another breath. Another step. My toes were off the edge of the cliff and my brain was dancing.

'I wouldn't do that,' a clear yet deep voice awoke me from my trance.

'Do what?' I asked without opening my eyes or turning around to confront this stranger.

'Hang off the edge like like that. You might fall,' he replied, calmly. And then it hit me. I don't want to fall. I do but I don't. So I stepped back and turned around to put a face to the voice. He was interesting. Slightly unnaturally spiky hair and a large build but a smile that I couldn't take my eyes off of.

'Oh have you ever really danced on the edge?' I replied, and with that I decided to walk back to my hotel without another word.

'Wait, I didn't catch your name, I'm Jaime,' the man said. I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

I looked him dead in his eyes and said, 'Victor, but if we ever meet again, call me Vic,' and with that I left him hanging just as I was once before.

sorry, this was short as well but my friend was going to kill me if she didn't find out what happened lmao but Jaime POV coming soon !! - kayle :))

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