Chapter 1

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Let me introduce myself my name's Emily Scott. I am 16. I go to a school that who you talk and hang out with determines who you are. My parents are dead. I live with a family I can't call my own because they don't love me. They keep me to look good. I don't go to the same school as the rest of the kids, they are afraid that I will embarrass them so I go to a small school named Ocean View. The students are nothing like the name. They suck. I'm sorry but I don't tell lies.

I have all the guys at school wrapped around my fingers. They do anything I ask them to. Well what can I say? I'm the most popular girl

My parents died on my six birthday so I grew up without them. My mom died in a car accident and my dad was burned to nothing there was no body for him. My aunt which was the only family I had left died when I was in fifth grade.

Although I'm popular and dress nice I don't have money to buy clothes so I make my own clothes. Yes all my clothes are hand made. When Paige leaves for school I borrow her shoes.

Mr. Alan King and Mrs. Ruby King are my adopted parents they don't love me all they want is somebody to do the house work. Paige King is their daughter she's all sort of nasty. All she does is sleep around with boys. Aren't she afraid of catching a STD?. Lucas is her brother they are the same age just couple of months apart. He's nice to me. Although we stopped being friends two months ago when he kissed me. Its weird that your own brother kiss you. He says it doesn't matter because we aren't related. Yuck.

I'm the type of girl that when I see something happening that is not suppose to I will try to stop it. I hate to see people being bullied. I know how it feels to be bullied I've been bullied most of my life and it hurts. I don't want to see people being bullied.

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