"How many C's do you have?" Ethan ask.
"Why are you asking me that?"
"Just to see who's better. I have 304. How many do you have?"
"Seriously your the most popular girl how could you have none."
"Being popular has nothing to do with good grades."
"Yes it does. I knew you were a nerd or you have a nerd doing your school work."
"Ethan leave me alone. You know nothing about me so stop guessing." I said and walked away from him. He makes me mad.
Ethan's POV"Lily where did you meet a girl like Emily?"
"I have known her since we were in diapers."
"What does she like in guys."
"What do you mean by nothing? Is she a lesbian?"
"God. Ethan. No."
"Then what is it?"
"Look she has life hard."
"Has life hard?"
"You knew her didn't you? So she didn't tell you."
"Tell me what?"
"Her parents died on her sixth birthday. She lived with her aunt after that then her aunt died in fifth grade. She now lives with the King family. They treat her like she's a maid more than family. She has nothing. The clothes she wear are handmade. She makes a new dress everyday she goes home and borrows her sister's shoes. Ethan leave her alone she already has it hard and worst your here to make it harder."
"Lily I didn't know I'm sorry."
"Tell her your apology."
"If people know this about her won't it ruin your rep?"
"I don't care about my rep. She made me popular I have to stay around. We have class let's go."
I didn't know this about Emily I didn't mean to upset her. I guess I still like her and hates her for rejecting me. I want her but I'm sure she doesn't feel the same way about me.
English class
Emily's POV"Good afternoon, Emily. How are you?" Mrs. Dixon our English teacher said.
"Good afternoon, Mrs. Dixon. I'm fine and how are you?"
"I'm a bit stressed."
"As always." I laughed.
"Good afternoon class please settle down. This afternoon your going to get an assignment that requires partners."
"I wish I get Lucy." I said to myself. Lucy is one of the smartest girl in school. If I get her I will have a new geek friend. Truth being she has never talked to me. Whenever I try to talk to her she would hang her head and walk away.
"Lyla and Jax. Myra and Logan. Lucy and Lance. Ethan and......." Please not be me. "Emily."
For the rest of the class Mrs. Dixon continued to call names. "The assignment will be email to you by 5." That's how we get homework by email. I don't have any device to get it on so Lucas is the one that gets it. He normally tells me it then help me with it since he's going to a more advanced school. If he wasn't my brother I would totally date him. When class was over I went to talk to Mrs. Dixon."Mrs. Dixon. Can I have another partner?" I asked
"I'm sorry, Emi you can't. I would have let you work by yourself but it wouldn't seem fair to Ethan. Why don't you want to work with him?"
"Well, we had some fall out in middle school. I hate him he hates me."
"Emi try to work with him for me."
"Can't I just skip? I don't need this grade Any way."
"No you don't but Ethan does."
"I'll try to do it Mrs. Dixon."
"See you at spelling bee tomorrow, Emi." I waved her goodbye and walked out of the classroom.
"I'll come to your place." Ethan said walking over to me."
"No you won't we'll meet in the library."
"Libraries suck."
"What do you have for last period?"
"Me too. Lets go." Why is he talking to me and not throwing punches at me.
"Good evening, Emily. How are you?""Good evening, Mr. Moore. I'm great and how are you?"
"When your here. Good as usual." I took my seat in the front of the class and notice Ethan sitting beside me.
"Is it always this way with you and the teachers?"
"Always which way?"
"Teacher's pet."
"Ethan shout up." The class went on normal. I listen to music then go to sleep not listening to what Mr. Moore says then we get a quiz. I finish in five minutes.
"Your not going to pass." Ethan said.

The Mystery Girl
Mystery / Thriller#nomorebullying. When life gets you down put a smile on your face and move on. Emily Scott lose everything she thought she was alive for. She is poor with a step family that treats her like a housemaid. At home she is shy and doesn't talk unless spo...