Chapter 4

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Mr.Moore walked in with some papers in his hand and I knew they were the quiz from last class. "Alright class settle down. I manage to mark your papers and some of you did extremely well." He said flashing his signature smile at me. He walked around the room placing papers on desks. Some people let out thankful sigh and others groans. When he finally reached me he said. "I'm sure you'll get the scholarship." I looked at my paper and saw a giant A.

"I got a C." Ethan said excited.

"What's so great about a C. I got a A."

"What? How could you get a A with your eyes close?"

"Well I like to think I'm smart." The bell rang and I walked to my next class which was history. I stopped by my locker to exchange my books.

"Emi,we need to talk."

"Okay, lily whatever about?"

"I'm moving."

"That's great."

"Don't be. Wait what? Your not mad?"

"Why would I be? I'm happy for you your going to a place better than here."

"I got the early admission to Yale and Emi thanks."

"For what?"


"See you later, Lily I have class. Call me later."

"Bye, Emi."
The truth is I'm upset she has to leave I love her and she's the only real friend I have. I walked into history and sat at my normal seat.

"Class we have a new student. Alice please introduce yourself." Ms. Pryce said.

"Hi, I'm Alice Montclair. I just started here and therefore I'm new."

"Is there any thing else you would like to say. Alice shook her head and ms. Pryce frowned. "Choose a seat."
She looked around and I waved her to sit next to me. She smiled shyly I sat down beside me.

"Hi, I'm Emily. You can call me Emi."

"I'm Alice."

"I know. I'll call you Ali." I said and smiled at her. At lunch I asked her if she wanted to be my friend and she said yes. It really lightens my mood cause she said yes. When I was going to my locker after lunch I saw Eliot punching a girl.

"Eliot stop."

"Emily shut up. She deserve it."

"What did she do to deserve this?"

"She forgot my homework." He said aiming another punch at her. I grabbed his arm and flipped him on his back. I grabbed the girl's hand and dragged her to the nurse's office. I grabbed a first aid kit and started cleaning her bruises and cuts.

"How did you do that?"

"I might or might have not taken Marshal arts."

"Your so cool. Ow."

"Sorry. What is your name?"


"I'm Emily."

"I know."

"I'll call you Lace. You can call me Emi. Want to be friends?"

"Wait. What? You want to be my friend?"

"Yeah. You could use a friend like me. You need to learn self defense."

After school,Ethan came up to me and said:

"I can't do library. I'm officially band. So let's do your house."

"No we are not."

"Well we have no choice unless you want to fail."

"Alright let's go."
We got in his car and he started small talks. I just nodded my head. I a little nervous about him coming to my house.

"Stop the car."


"This is where I live genius."

"This is your house."

"Yes." I said leading him towards the door.

"This is not a house. It's a mansion."

"Hi handsome." Paige said opening the door. I walked away and into my room waiting for him to come but he never did. In the morning when I woke and took my shower. I went downstairs to make breakfast.

"Emi, that boyfriend of yours is damn good in bed." Paige greeted me. Tears came to my eyes knowing that he slept with her and to think I thought he was changing. Well I thought wrong.

"You freaking manwhore. How could you sleep with Paige?" I shouted at him.

"Calm down Emi."

"Don't tell me to calm down and by the way my name is Emily not Emi. Screw this assignment and get out of my life." I screamed at him. I know people are looking they are always looking.

"Emily, I needed someone to satisfy my needs that you can't."
I was so upset I slapped him and I slapped him hard too.

"I hate you Ethan."
At lunch I was a bit upset but still happy I made new friends.

"Lace, Ali. Would you like to come to my house after school?"

"You want nerds like us to come to your house." Ali asked

"I don't think of you like nerds I think of you like smart, ambitious young ladies."

"Beautiful ladies too." I heard a voice say.

"Oh. Emi this is my brother Brad. Brad this is my new bestie Emily." Ali said

"Nice to meet you Emily."

"You can call me Emi and I'll call you Brady bear." I said touching his nose making him blush. "Brady bear this is Lacy aka Lace."

"Nice to meet you Brady bear." Lace said smiling.

"Do you always nickname your friends?" Brad asked

When school was over. All of us went to Ali's car including Brad. I gave her the directions to my house and their mouths opened wide.

"Guys stop drooling."

"This is your house?" They said in unison.

"No it belongs to my parents." I said

"Who are you guys? Are you sure you're not at the wrong house?" Paige greeted us.

"Nice to see you too." Brad stated

"Who are you? You're cute."

"So I've been told."

"Brad this way please." Ali cut into their conversation. We all went to my room which was in the attic of course. I tried my best to make it look less of a attic and more of a bedroom and it worked. I've got my own bathroom fortunately. A walk in closet and an enormous bed.

"Wow your room is cool." They said in unison.

"Thanks. Now time to get to work.

"To work." They said simultaneously

"Yes to work. Have you guys rehearsed this?" I started doing a makeover on both girls in the bathroom. No makeup though I like natural.

"How do we look." The girls said.

"Alice. You finally look great."

"Shut up. Brad." She said.

"Hey guys I'm hear too." Lacy said

"Wow you look beautiful. Want to go out sometimes?"

"No thanks. I think you and Emi are a better match."
I smiled at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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