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Bella: today I go back to school and that's when I'm going to do it im going to end everything for good.
Emmett: back to school today i can't wait to go back and see my friends.Bella Emmett Esme called come mom Emmett and bella called at  the same time and laugh and run and get stuff.
Bella:here go's nothing another day in hell and my last i hope.
Esme: come on guys breakfast is getting cold and they both come running downstairs about time.
I can't. See them without each other they do everything with each other
I can see Emmett as a overprotective brother when she gets older and even now.
Emmett: i am going to keep a closer eye on bella today and when I'm not there to watch her I'm sure Edward will watch her for me.
Edward: my phone rings and i see its Emmett. sure man no problem.

hank Edward. i owe you one no problem bye
Emmett: bye
Edward: i get to be with Bella all day i can't wait.
Bella: on the way to school Emmett kept looking at me does he know no that's not it.
Esme: bye.
Bella: has soon as we got to school i opened the car door and ran out and then i ran into someone so i look up and it was Edward so i just grabbed his hand and kept running.
Edward: what are we running from,Emmett she said oh why
Bella: because he keeps looking at me Its creepy and i don't like it i hate people looking at me ok.
Edward:ok and with that we went to class.
Both bella and edward: they are looking at us Edward it's ok pretend they are not there and it's just me and you okay okay Edward.
Edward: well today been interesting so far bella ran away from Emmett and when walk in class everybody was look at us and they still are.
Bella: can i go the bath room.
Teacher: sure go a head.
I ran to the door and left school and ran back home git the key from the bottom of my shoe and opened the door and ran to my room to get the
backpack and ran back out the house locked the door and put the key back in my shoe. An ran as fast as i can into the woods.

Baby Bella Where stories live. Discover now