sam help

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Bella: today I'm going to Sam's  to meet his family and get to know them I hope they like me I really do. We made it to his house it he was right there in front he walked over to to me and got down on his knees and tells me that he will be right there and and nothing is going to happen and he picked me up and huged me. Then we went to the house there are a lot of boys I don't like boy that much they look at us and asked who I was Sam said I was his God daughter and my name was bella one boy asked my full name Sam said it was Isabella and this I stopped everything he didn't get to my middle name at all I couldn't breathe I started shaking
Sam: we got into the house the boys looked at us and asked me who bella was I said she was my goddaughter and her name was Bella Jacob asked Her full name I said Isabella and everything stopped I felt Bella struggling to breathe she started shaking this scared me so I tried to get her attention but nothing worked so I had one of the boys grab my phone out of my pocket and call Carlisle they ask me what name he was under I said cullen and they called
Carlisle I was on my way home from Sam's house I just dropped her off 20 minutes ago my phone rings I look at it it says Sam I pick up and ask what's wrong it was  Paul he said there was something  wrong with bella at that point I turned the car around and speed back to Sam's sam: bella look at me please Bella  Sam help bella I'm right here look at me.
bella: no no no Sam help no the car crash no mommy no gasp.
Carlisle: I ran into Sam house in to the living room and bella was looking around shaking and breathing heavy.
Sam:bella your ok I'm here just breathe
Carlisle: Sam what happened
Sam: well I came into the house and introduce Bella too the boys as my goddaughter and Jacob as me her full name I said it was  Isabella and that when this happened ow no Bella what happened  the car crash the car crash bella listen to me your ok your mom can't to you I  promise you she can't get to you.

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