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Luke stepped into his house, and immediately heard yelling.

"I literally can't take it anymore! Having to spend so much for his doctor bills, and his stupid speech classes! I told you as soon as we knew he was messed up, we should've given him up. He has caused more problems in this family than anyone else!" His mom yelled, so Luke's eyes filled up with tears. He fell to the floor as he heard his parents talking.

"It's not too late you know? There are so many teenagers in foster care." His dad said.

"I couldn't do that to jack. No matter how much he loves that faggot, I still love Jack. He would never forgive us."

Luke felt his heart physically hurting as he heard his parents. He almost couldn't take the pain he felt. He'd rather die than feel it any longer.

"Just seeing him makes me sick. I hate him."

He managed to pull himself off of the ground, and run back out of the house. He ran as far as his legs would take him.

Michael's house.

He knocked on the door, and waited impatiently. When Michael opened it, his face turned to worry as he saw Luke, a crying mess. He looked back into the house, his mom still eating dinner on the couch, where he previously was too.

Michael stepped out of the door, and closed it behind him.

"You know, I- I r-r-really hate y-you. Y-You te-tell me all o-of these s-stu-stupid l-lies, and I d-don't know why. Y-You tell m-me I'm b-beautiful, b-but I'm n-not. You s-s-say you wanna b-be w-with m-me, but you d-don't. You s-s-say I'm smart, bu-but I'm n-not. If I w-was really b-be-beautiful, and f-fun to b-b-be with, and sm-smart, my p-p-parents would l-love me." Luke cried, and Michael frowned. He hated to see Luke like this.

"Stay right here." Michael said, walking back to the living room really fast.

"Mom, Luke is here, and he's a mess. Can you please go buy mint chocolate chip ice cream. It's one of his favorites." Michael asked softly, and she stood up.

"Is he okay?" She asked, putting her shoes on.

"No." Michael said, walking back to Luke who was now sitting on the stairs, crying his eyes out.

"Come here." Michael whispered, and helped Luke up. They walked up to his room, and on the way, he grabbed a fuzzy blanket from the hall closet.

When they got in the room, Michael removed Luke's jacket, and his jeans. He wrapped the blanket around him, and then they laid down on the bed.

"M-My parents s-said they w-want to put m-me in f-foster care.." Luke whispered, keeping his eyes locked on Michael's shirt.

"Are they going to?" Michael asked, and Luke shook his head.

"N-No. B-But only b-because of j-jack. Not b-b-because they w-wa-want me." Luke said softly as Michael ran a hand through his hair.

"If I d-didn't have y-y-you and j-ja-jack, I w-would've k-k-killed mys-self so long a-ago. I still w-want to but I-I cou-couldn't do that to y-you two." Luke admitted, letting tears slip out again.

"Shh, Luke, it's okay. It's okay to feel like that, but don't you ever leave me. I know that's selfish, but you can't go." Michael said, holding Luke's head to his chest.

"I don't w-want to l-le-leave you." Luke told him, holding onto his arm. "I n-ne-need you." He whispered.

Michael pressed his lips to Luke's forehead, holding him close.

"Let's watch a movie or something. I want you to get your mind off of things." Michael said, pulling over his laptop. He sat up with Luke in his lap, and pulled up Netflix. Luke picked out Friends, and of course Michael said yes. He'd do anything for Luke.

"Boys?" Michael's mom asked, and knocked on the door. She came in with two pints of mint ice cream, and Luke smiled.

"Th-Thank you s-s-so much." He said, as they grabbed them, and the spoons she handed over.

When she left, Luke looked up, kissing Michael's chin. "Y-You're so g-g-good to me."

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