Day 2

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Dear diary,
Today was quite normal, but when you're me you don't know what normal means


"Hey Mi Mi, I have to smuggle you into school, you're gonna have to hide in my bag." I say to Mi Mi. "I wonder who Ladybug and Chat Noir really are." Mi Mi says, watching me pack my bag. "We gotta go, come on!" I say opening a pocket in my bag for Mi Mi. She flys into the open pocket and I close it on her, leaving a small gap for air.


"Hey Taylah, this is Alya." Marinette says to me. Marinette and I had decided to meet up at school that morning. "Hey wassup gurl?" Alya asks me. "Not much, what about you?" I ask.  All us girls laugh. Some girls in a different class walk past us, and I overhead their conversation. "Did you see Ling Ling last night?" One girl asks the other. "Omg yes, she looked awesome! I hope Ladybug and Chat Noir don't dump her." The other girl says. I notice Marinette's eyes slightly widen. 'I wonder if... no, it couldn't be' I think to myself.


It's maths class. I'm staring out the window until a figure flies in front of the window. Then they take their weapon and point it at the window. I lean to my bag like I'm getting something out, and I conceal Mi Mi under my jumper. I'm the only person who has noticed this figure and I shoot up my hand. "Yes?" Mr Brenon asks. "May I please go to the bathroom?" You ask with a tinge of urgency. He nods and I casually walk out of the class room. Once downstairs I run to the bathroom, my dyslexia and ADHD telling me what to do and filling me with adrenaline. I get into a cubicle and transform. I step out and look in the mirror. I jump back when frost starts to  form at the edge of the mirror and then makes its way inward, soon covering the entire mirror. I shudder as a chill comes through the room. I run out of the bathroom into the courtyard and shoot a firework arrow, getting both student and staff attention. "Okay, I need everyone out now!" I yell as students start to come out of their classes. "

"Where are you Ladybug? And Chat Noir?" I say to myself. Suddenly Ladybug jumps in front of me, making me jump back. "What are we going to do about Elsa?" Ladybug asks and Chat Noir walks up behind her. "I have to try and open the main doors, or blast some windows, or something to get out of here my Dyslexia and ADHD are going crazy right now, and I love it. Try and find another exit if the main one doesn't work!" I say as I run towards the main door.

"MOVE!" I yell to the crowd around the door. They step back as I get an arrow from my quiver and shoot it at the door, charged to explode. "What the-" I say as I get two arrows and charge them to explode, and nothing happens to the door once shot at. I angryily walk through the crowd and call Ladybug. "Door won't budge and I'm set to explode. Any luck?" I say and Ladybug shakes her head. "Nothing, all of the exits I found are frozen, and I'm starting to get cold. What about Chat?" Ladybug asks and I reply by calling to Chat Noir, making a group call. "Anything? Main doors still stuck." I say with an annoyed tone in my voice. Chat sighs. "Nothing, what about you bugaboo?" He asks mockingly. "Nothing." Ladybug replies angrily. I finally feel the cold, and shudder. "We need to hurry up or we'll freeze, and our miraculouses will run out!" Ladybug complains. "Well what are we gonna do?" Chat asks.

I look at the roof for something, probably my dyslexia. "Roof. We're gonna do what we do best and get to the roof. It's not frozen." I say staring at the roof. I hang up the call and shortly Ladybug and Chat Noir come into the courtyard. "Ok everyone! Can I get your attention please! Thank you. Right, we're gonna get everyone up into that emergency exit, and there should be a fire exit or something, or one of us will help everyone get down! From there everyone must get to their own houses. Ok?! Ok!! Let's get this show on the road people!!" I say and bust the exit open with an arrow. It flings open and I then fire another arrow that spawns a rope when made contact. It makes a direct hit. "Now climb people climb!!" I yell and people run to the rope.

Then Chloè and Sabrina girly run over to you rubbing their arms. "Excuse me but you don't really expect me to climb that rope Ling Ling?" Chloè asks and Sabrina nods with her. "Yes." I reply, shooting another rope enchanted arrow to get more people climbing. "Do you know who my daddy is?!" She shrieks. "The mayor, Mr Bouseourś? Yea well if you don't get climbing your 'daddy' is gonna miss his daughter at your funeral ok? NOW CLIMB!!!" I yell at Chloè and Sabrina. "Ling Ling!" I hear Ladybug call from the roof. "She wasn't doing what the heros of Paris were saying! She just needed a little encouragement!" I complain and Ladybug rolls her eyes.

Everyone's now out of the building and Chat Noir's helping people get down. "Where's Elsa?" I say as Ladybug and Chat get down from the roof. "Right here." A snarky voice says behind me. I get and arrow and say gěi wǒ gōnglǜ. I aim and fire at Elsa, who wasn't expecting it. "Ladybug get the akuma!" I yell and Ladybug runs to the person and smashes the akuma. The frost instantly starts to melt and the climate starts to get warmer. I walk to the once akumatised person and help them off the roof. "Two akumas in a row, weird huh?" I say Ladybug and Chat Noir after getting on the roof. "Oh crap my miraculous! Panda out!" I say jumping across the roof tops to my apartment block. I jump into an alley way and transform. I step out of the alley when I remember my bag. "Uh hey Taylah, you forgot your bag in class." A voice says behind me. I turn around and see Adrien standing with my bag in his hand. "I went back to class and got it as I left my bag there as well." He says as I get my bag from him. "Thanks. Can you keep a secret?" I ask and he nods. "Marinette is crushing pretty hard on you." I say with a wide smile. "Well see ya!" I say before running away from Adrien, leaving him stunned.


I burst into my room in fits of laughter. "That was hilarious!" I say holding onto my stomach. "Are you sure that was the right thing to do Taylah?" Mi Mi asks, and I stop laughing. "Omg I have to tell Marinette and fess, and accept the fate." I say retrieving my phone and getting Marinette's contact. Just before I start writing, I get a message from Adrien. "Oh gawd." I say whilst looking at my phone. 'Does Marinette actually have a crush on me?' The message reads. 'Yes! Don't you see the way she acts around you? Everyone in the class knows.' I reply rolling my eyes. 'So who do you think Ling Ling really is, I mean behind the mask?' Adrien's attempt to change the subject message reads. "What do I send Mi Mi? I'm Ling Ling? I have no idea who she is? Ugh what do I do? I ask worryingly. "You can't say that you're Ling Ling Taylah! Your identity must be a secret. Just say that you have no clue who Ling Ling may be." Mi Mi replies. 'I have no idea who Ling Ling may be, but her weapon's rrly cool, isn't it?' I send, trying to dodge the question but still answering it.

'Yeah. I'm thinking about asking Marinette out.' Adrien replies. 'Fcking what? Like friends hanging out or a date date?' I send him feeling excited. 'A date date. I've had a crush on her since the day I gave her my umbrella. Where would she like to go?' He replies and I squeal. "He likes her! He likes her! Adrien likes Marinette! Marinette likes Adrien!" I yell jumping on my bed. 'Well Marinette likes fashion so maybe a show, and she likes baked goods sooo maybe take her to a nice cafe! Idk, let me ask her.' I send to Adrien before going back to Marinette's contact. 'Hey Mari, what's ur ideal date and no I'm not leso.' I send Marinetts with a giggle. 'Idk, maybe to a cafe for lunch or something' She replies and I take a screen shot and send it to Adrien.

'Here's the screenshot' I send Adrien along with the screenshot

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'Here's the screenshot' I send Adrien along with the screenshot. 'Thanks, I'll ask her tomorrow. I'll need ur help tho.' Adrien replies. 'Ok, cya tomoz!' I send Adrien and shut off my phone.


So this was how my day went. Not the norm, was it?

- Taylah


How'd I do, my friend Crystal will die when she reads this lol. Ola Crystal!!!!!!

- Raine xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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