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Pheonix's POV:
It was 8:30PM and I was waiting downstairs. I just couldn't stop worrying about Petra. I guess now I know how it feels to worry about someone you really care about. While I waited for Lukas to come I was thinking of things to do to pass time. I gave up and laid down on the floor and stared at the ceiling. Eventually time did pass and I heard a knock on the door."She's upstairs in her room" I said as I opened the door and signalled towards her door. He nodded and went upstairs. "I hope he has better luck than me" I signed under my breath.
Lukas's POV:
"Hey Petra, mind if I come in for a few minutes?" I said, lightly knocking on her door. She didn't answer, but I heard her unlock the door. I walked over to the side if her bed and sat down. "Is everything ok?" I asked trying to somewhat start a conversation. "I'm fine" she answered. "It isn't like you to just isolate yourself". So far this conversation isn't going too well. "I'm fine it's just my sister worries too much" "Petra..." I said in the something'swrongtellmenow tone. "Nothing gets past you huh?" She said laughing a bit. "Nope" I said also kind of laughing."The thing is I can't say..." She trailed off. "Why's that?"
Normal POV:
An awkward silence filled the room. "You could tell me tomorrow if you want" Lukas finally spoke. Petra stayed silent. "I'll stay here if you want" he said "Thanks but you really don't have to do this" she said. "But I am going to anyways" He said. By 10:00PM everyone was asleep, besides Petra of course who couldn't sleep at all. "I wish I could've told you sooner" she said and finally fell to sleep.

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