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It's been a week since I moved in to Cindy's. I hang out with Maddox and his friends at school. 'The emo kids' is what people called us. I was still bullied, which didn't help my cutting habit, but somehow it didn't hurt as much since I haven't known them long. I also learned that Cindy is not my real aunt.

"Jade" Maddox said knocking on the door.

"Come in" I yelled.

"Hey do you want to go to the mall with Asher and them?" He asked. Asher was his best friend  and 'them' was the rest of the group.

"Sure, want to help me pick out something to wear?" I asked. He didn't really look interested but walked to my closet anyway.

He talked me into wearing the only dress I had. It was a black strapless dress that went to right above the knee at the waist was a pink ribbon and it ruffed out a little bit.

"Don't you think it's a bit much?" I asked coming out of the bathroom and spinning around.

"No" he replied looking up from his phone.

I sighed and pulled a pair of leggings out of my drawer and putting them on.

"Why did you do that?" He asked looking at the leggings.

"Because it makes it more classy for shopping" I replied while pulling on my converse.

When we got there Madi, Nate and Hale where waiting in the front of the mall. We sat on the benches with them waiting for Asher.

Hale was so happy when I came. She finally wasn't the only girl in our little group of friends.

When Asher finally got there, fifteen minutes later, we went to a jewelry store. The boys went to look at different lip rings while I went with Hale to look for her new belly button rings.

"Do you have piercings?" She asked. I pointed to my ears and she just looked at me like 'I knew that stupid'.

"I had snakebites, took them out when I started dating my old boyfriend.

"We can get you more" she squealed pulling me over towards where the boys where.

"Woah, is that a tattoo I see" Nate commented pushing my hair away. Why didn't I cover it up?

"Uhh ya, my umm ex gave it to me" I stumbled on my words. When they all looked at me funny I realized what I said "I mean he payed for it"

They all examined it before Nate asked "is it like from teen wolf or something" I settled with a nod as my answer.

Next thing I know Hale shoved a bag in my hand and instructed for me to put them on. I did as I was told with the help of the bathroom mirror and then came out for the verdict.

"I love them" Hale cried. She better love them she picked them out.

"Hey snake bites like Maddox" Madi so helpfully pointed out causing me to blush. He made it sound like I got them just because Maddox had them.

The next store we went to was hot topic. A lot of people thought of hot topic as a emo store but I didn't care I love the place.

I bought a few shirts I liked while Hale came out with ten bags. She held the bags out to Madi and gave him puppy dog eyes. He took the bags and walked off, I'm guessing to the car.

"Hale stop taking advantage of the poor boy you know he loves you" Asher told her putting his arm on her shoulder.

"I still haven't told him" she said looking up at Asher with sad eyes before whispering "I'm scared".

"May I ask what I being left out of?" I said before even thinking.

"She loves him" Nate said before Hale had the chance to say anything.

"So what's the problem then?" I was truly confused didn't Asher just say that Madi loved her?

"She's afraid he'll deny her because of the friendship they have" Maddox whispered in my ear when madi came into view.

"Skyler gives Hadley that look all the time" I said, forgetting nobody except Maddox knew who they were.

"Who gives who what look?" Madi asked. Good thing I was a quick thinker or we would be busted.

"My brother gives his girlfriend the same look that Asher just gave some pizza box, I swear their sole mates" it was funny because both of those couples were actually sole mates.

"Guys" I yelled. We were all in my room for some reason, I was on my laptop and everyone else was on their phone doing the cliche friendship thing of sharing funny photos we find on the Internet.

"Come closer Skylers calling" I motioned for everybody in and accepted the Skype call. Hadley and Skyler appeared waving and we all waved back. Hadley's eyes grew big and she ducked out of view.

"Hadley come back" Skyler said looking off screen. You could just barely hear her but it was loud enough for us all to cringe and Skyler to flush red.

"You said it was only Jade and I have sex hair"

She came back on screen a minute later with her hair brushed down.

"Anyway" I said "guys that's Skyler and Hadley, these guys are Hale, Madi, Asher and Nate" I pointed to each one as I introduced.

" hey what about Maddox" Asher complained

"I already met them" he replied sticking his tongue out.

Great Skyler met him once and was already rubbing off.

The not so easy life of being a emo twinWhere stories live. Discover now