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These are the genderbends of the Karasu siblings. All of these pictures are originally drawn on paper but I took a picture of it . then I digitalized it.

These OC's are all mine. Plus they are all siblings. These are the genderbend versions of them..... I've even got names for them...

Programme: Medibang Paint Pro

Date completed: 11/07/2016

Close Ups (ordered from oldest to youngest)

Genderbend names:

Choshi (Condition) - Kuroi's Genderbend

Choshi (Condition) - Kuroi's Genderbend

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Taniyama (Valley Mountain) or just Tani for short - Kageyama's Genderbend

Taniyama (Valley Mountain) or just Tani for short - Kageyama's Genderbend

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Tenrei (Lissome, best way to describe that is Supple. Best way to describe supple is Agile) -Kareaina's Genderbend

 Best way to describe supple is Agile) -Kareaina's Genderbend

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So I have given them their own names..... so I won't get them confused with the original person

If nothing above made sense, tell me please and I will further explain

My picturesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora