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Hello humans.... and if you're not human, Hello...

I know it has been a long time since updated, well actually been on Wattpad, but I have been extremely busy with school and home life..... I don't particularly like it, but... it's life... *mumbles* screw you life.... *normal voice* anyways, I am updating this book because I have art I wish to share...


This is what I'm working on in art class

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This is what I'm working on in art class... I know it looks weird, but I assure you it's only one of the three paintings I'm doing for art. My art piece is based off of a philosophy. The philosophy I choose was "Art is a meditation of the Trinity". The trinity being the Mind, Body and Soul. This artwork is the mind and represents where my mind goes when I want to relax.... in this case it wants to go elsewhere other than life... there are two more paintings for this series... one for the Body and one for the Soul...


This is a snippet of my Media Assessment

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This is a snippet of my Media Assessment... I'M DRAWING A STORY OF ONE OF ME OC'S.... I'm so proud of this it's funny to watch... anyways, moving on... this is a music video assessment.. and the song I chose was The World is Mine by Hatsune Miku (love that song) I'm doing a version with the video... meaning I am doing my own little story with the song with some parts inspired from the original video....
The OC I'm using for this story is named Yuri, but I'm starting to call her "Princess Yuri the Magnificent"

Yuri: yes peasant?..
Me: excuse me?
Yuri: I am the princess and you are the subject...
Me: I'm basically your second mother, I created you... and your mother had you..
Yumi: ............... okay.. but I'm still queen...
Me: yeah.... back to story...

She's a Himedare, which is the princess type personality... I don't want to spoil too much of what happens in the story, but I definitely know I want to put it on YouTube when I finish.....


This one I did a while ago

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This one I did a while ago... their names are Nise and Rin.... I ship them together so much, but they aren't even dating... you two need to hurry up...
Nise: I'm trying, but she keeps calling me an idiot....
Rin: that's because you are...
Me: ohhhhh burn... you walked into that one...
Rin: it's not the only thing he walks into...
Nise: T-T that's just mean....
Rin: I'm sorry...
Nise: can I have a kiss to make up for it?...
Rin: ..... no...
Me: take your conversation somewhere else......
So yeah... that's them... he like her and she..... I'm guessing she likes him but is waiting to see that he genuinely likes her, instead of being his......... usual self...
Nise: you hesitated...
*ignored him* But, yeah... they're childhood friends...and they are so cute together... I wish they could date....

I think that's it for now.... I've got more pictures, but they're in another device... so... yeah... see ya!

My picturesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora