Chapter 01

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Sometime in Korea .....

"Mianhajiman nan dangshineul haego haeyo." (I am sorry but i have to fire you.) the korean manager of the hotel where i worked said.

"Haedallago sbul jaebal. pil-yohae nae gajog-eul wihae don eul joglib." (Please dont fire me. i need to earn  money for my family.) I begged the manager.

"Sorry but please look for another job." He said without hesitation.

I got fired, the suite occupant caught me touching his things and he assumed I  was planning to steal something. I explained to him my side that I was just looking for his ID but he didnt believed me. He reported me and then the rest was history. i accepted the truth that i lost my job. oh well, I'd just looked for another one. it wasnt hard for me to look for another job because i know how to speak in "English." They needed employees who knew how to speak in english because many foreigners were visiting Korea these past years. Actually, I was over-qualified for being a chambermaid only, I should be a lobby receptionist. But did i have to be choosy? i needed to send money to my family asap so i accepted the job. but in my case now, it would be harder for me to look for another hotel job because of my past record. this was a huge problem..

i went outside the hotel and walked to the nearest bus stop station. while walking i found a street food vending and i really couldnt starved my self so just gave in. i needed to eat even if i was jobless. I ordered odaeng (fish gruel on a stick), sounded bad but yummy. i'd adopted the Korean culture already. At first, i found it hard to eat Korean food because the tastes and the way they'd cook it were weird, the important thing was I learned to adopt. Now I enjoyed eating it.

I slightly forgot about my problem while eating. Eating down the street were one of the common denominators of Pinoy and Korean culture, it was equivalent to eating fishballs in the philippines.

I was on my second odaeng when I noticed an image of perfection coming closer to me. well, not to me, but to the street food vending store. This guy had no trace of being Korean. He had Western features but not purely, more of a half western mixed with asian features. Not a mongolian race, but more of a malay race? Vietnamese? Indonesian? Malaysian? Thai? Or Pinoy? He had fair skin, his eyes were deep set and chocolate brown, perfect nose, pinkish lips without any lipgloss, brownish-black hair, 6 foot-ish tall, and perfect body structure. If you're an American or European and you wanted to have a good-looking offsprings, you should marry a South-east Asian. Perfect combination.

When he finally got to the vending store, that was where I clearly saw his face. and damn he looked familiar. Was he a famous celebrity? In hollywood, maybe? I kept on thinking where I saw him while eating my odaeng. He finally noticed me too so he bowed 90 degrees angle at me, i bowed at him too. Maybe because i looked more Korean so he paid respect in Korean way. Oh and he bowed at the vendor too.

He looked at his surroundings first and wore his fedora and black rayban before he paid attention again to the food. I found it weird but i just continued eating my odaeng and continued checking him out. He just stared at the food and kind of hesitant on how to order.  while me, still checking him out.

Was he a Filipino celebrity perhaps? Oh my God! Yes he was! Actually, i was not a big fan of television and movies so my knowledge about celebrities were not that big. I'd only get a chance to have a glimpse on a show on TV when I was waiting for the toilet occupant to be finished, I'd go in our living room where the TV was placed and found my omma watching some teleserye and showbiz talkshows. So maybe I've seen this guy on a Philippine broadsheets and tabloids? and billboards, perhaps? But what I knew for a fact was he's one of some popular singing and dancing boygroup in the Philippines, very high profile. i just didnt know their groupname coz I told you, I was not so fan of entertainment industry. What was he doing in Korea anyways? was he here for a show? was he filming a movie here? Or just taking a vacation? Might be, because he was obviously touring around alone. That explained the fedora and the shades. was it really possible paparazzis could still follow him here?

BLACK MAiLiNG MR. iDOLTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon