Chapter 02

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"D-did you just capture that???" Khun asked me.

I was still dumbfounded I couldnt answer him right away. That was my first kiss.. And it got stolen away just like that... i was reserving it for Mr. Right but this guy snatched it without even a warning. I knew what happened was an accident so i couldnt really blame him, but still .... That was my first kiss for God sakes! First times were a big deal for us girls. We would never be able to forget all the first times and who we with when it happened.

"Are you also a papparazzi? Are you with them? Did you plan all these?" He accused me of so many things already and i couldnt defend myself because i was still out of planet Sanity. "Give me your cellphone. Now!" He tried to snatch my cp away but i refused to.

"What are you talking about? Im not with them."

"Then why did you take a picture of us kissing? Are you planning to make a scandal with me back in the Philippines? Are you planning to send that photo to whichever publishing company back there?"

"hey, hey. Stop the accusations! How dare you accused me when awhile ago I was the one helping you."

"If i know back then that you are some stalker, i wouldnt even take your offer."

"The nerve. So thats how you treat random people huh? Accuse them of something they dont intend to do, and say mean things to them. Are you really like that off cam. Mr. Famous? I bet you show the kinder you to your fans. poor them they dont even know the real you."

"How will you explain the picture?"

"What picture?"

"The one you shot just right now."

I couldnt understand a word he was saying. what was he talking about? I looked at my cellphone and there it was. A photo of me and him lip-locking. I couldnt imagine my eyes were also shut. What happened to me? And how was I able to take this photo? And then I remember everything.

"We were supposed to take a photo remember? For my mom to see. And it all happened so fast I think I accidentally press the capture button." I looked down at my feet, embarassed by what I had to say next. "Honestly, it was m-my f-first kiss. Thats why I was shocked." I stammered a little bit.

"Did you honestly think that I would believe you? I encountered someone like you before and your excuse was pretty lame." He stared at me fiercely. "You better come with me. I wont let you destroy my reputation. Not now." He grabbed my by the arm and literally dragged me away from the narrow street.

"Hey where are you taking me? Let go of me!" I tried to break free from his grasp but I failed. He was pretty determined to not let me go. "Are you crazy?! Let me go now! I dont want to come with you, asshole!"

He stopped walking and then he stared at me. "What did you just call me?"

"Do you really want me to repeat it?"

"Whatever." He continued dragging me again.

"Where are you taking me? I told you Im not a paparazzi or a stalker so please let me go! I'll erase the photo at once when you let go of my arm!"

"Given that you would really erase it, how can I be sure that you dont have another copy of it? Today's technology is very innovative. I bet you already sent a copy of the photo to another gadget of yours from wherever."

"What???? how am i suppose to do that when your'e holding my hand and literally dragging me?"

"Psychos like you have ways."

I laughed a sarcastic laugh. The nerve of this guy!

"You are so full of yourself! Not everybody likes you, you know! And Im one of them! I cant believe you achieved that status with your obnoxious attitude!"

I pulled my arm with his tight grip when he was least expecting it and then I ran away, leaving him behind. He ran following me. Oh God, he was persistent! He would never spare me. I told you, i was not a good runner, I ran not so long but I was already exhausted, I hate myself for that. And like with the run away girls from a movie, I tripped and I fell, resulting from Khun catching up with me. Shit! Why was I so unathletic?

He pulled me from the floor and grabbed my arm again, now tighter. "You exhaust me, you know that?"

"Cant you just spare me?"

"I cant. You need to come with me. My handler will analyze what we need to do to you."

"Youre not planning to kill me, are you?"

"What do you think I am? A murderer? I still dont know what are we going to do with you. So just stop resisting and just come peacefully, I might give you a less invasive punishment. "

"You dont have to punish me in the first place beause I didnt do anything wrong to you."

"Shut up."

He dragged me again. How I wished I just ignored him back in the vending store. Why these kind of things happened to me? that, I didnt know.

BLACK MAiLiNG MR. iDOLTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon