Chapter 5

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Donica 's POV:

The whole day went by like a blur. I don't even know what the other teachers said but im pretty sure we have a chemistry test next Monday which I know im going to fail with all of this bullshit happening right now.

How was I going to work with Cameron my bully
The person who continuously hurt me and makes my life miserable.

It even sounds wrong thinking about it.

That just proves that even the universe hates me.
Thank you universe for ruining my life.

I walk out of school dreading the 30 minute walk home since my car was in the repair shop and my parents of course are at work all day.
I sigh and start walking.

I make it past the school when I hear
"Hey do you need a ride?"

Its Cameron fucking Dallas

Why is he offering me a ride?

He's probably just wanting me to accept his offer and waiting for me to get close so he can speed away before I can get in so i'd rather not.

(damn my stuttering)
"thank you I'm fine walking its not even that far but umm thanks"
I hear my self say and continue walking waiting for him to speed of but instead he drives slowly right next to me.

"Just get in the car Donica we need to work on the project so im saving gas by working on it at your place and dropping you of at the same time I just wanna get it over with. Just call it killing two bird with one stone"
He says.

"I-im fine rea-"

"Get in" He interrupts

I slowly make my way over to the car deciding whether I should get in or not

"Are you just going to stare at the handle or are you actually going to get in"

I sigh and open the door and sit on the passenger seat thinking what the hell at least he didn't drive off with me hanging half in, saves me all the walking anyways.

He starts driving and I look out the window watching the houses blur by getting lost in my thoughts until he interrupts my daydreams by asking

"Whats the address"

I give it to him and start to look out the window and try to stop thinking about how I even ended up in my bullies car.

I hear him putting the address on the GPS.

He scoffs
"Ha! not that far my ass"
He says when he sees its 20 minutes away.

I ignore him and stay silent through out the whole 20 awkward minute drive home.

We get to my house and I slowly get out of the car leading the way to the front door.

I walk in with him closely behind

"This is it"
I say while awkwardly waving my hands around

He looks around like he's looking for something I just stare at him admiring how good looking he actually is.
Wait no god damn it stop staring Donica!

To late he turns his head and catches me staring I quickly look away but I can almost feel that smirk on his face while mine turns beat red.

We walk up to my room to work on the project the only reason why he even came here.

We sit down on my bed and start discussing our project, this goes on for like 10 minutes until he stops me from talking

"Hey Donica" he says

"Um yeah" I answer hesitantly

He lift up his hand to my shoulder and I flinch out of instinct.

He sees this and I see a flash of hurt pass through his face

I see his eyes slowly make their way to my wrist which are covered by my sweater at the moment to hide everything but I can still see what he's thinking and what he wants to ask.

Please dont ask me about it

I think in my head but since I keep forgetting im Donica and everything and everyone hates me he still asks me the simplest yet worst question he can ask

"Why do you do it?" He asks

"D-do what?"
I try to play dumb while looking around everywhere but him but obviously he doesn't buy it.

"You know what I mean Donica, so please answer me and tell me why your hurting yourself like this"

"Its not a big deal Cameron lets get back to work besides why would you even care"
I quietly respond

"But Doni-" He starts

"Just drop it Cameron!"
I snap at him which I quickly regrett but yet again it felt good to stand up to him but I still start to wait for that hit to come for talking to him in such a way but it never did.

I slowly look up to see him still looking at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Donica im not going to drop it just tell me I need to know" He puts his hand on my knee and I feel little electric jolts on that spot his hand is in.

That terrifies me.

I quickly get up and start walking around the room avoiding his stare that follows my every move.

"Please tell me I want to help you!"

I stop dead in my tracks and look at him.

I've had enough of him.

I turn around quickly and face him

"How can you possibly help me with a problem that YOU created! You want to know what started this!"

I lift up my sleves and show him my endless scars and new cuts running all the way up my arms.

He flinches when he sees them

"You did this to me its all your fault im hurting! Its all your fault im hated by everyone at school it's your fault why I'm always left feeling alone and I'm constant fear! YOU ruined my life for no reason! So don't even think you can fix this problem!"
By this point I have tears streaming down my face but even throught my blurry vision I can still see a shocked but disappointed looking Cameron sitting in the edge on my bed

"Donica im so so-" he start

"Save it! I- I think you should leave now we can continue on the project another time, Actually better idea I'll work on it by myself and put your name on it" I say harshly

"But if you would just let me explain I
ca-" He starts saying

"Just leave already damnit!" I yell at him.

He stays quiet while looking at me and slowly starts to get up and walk out. He gets to the front door and I watch him open it

"I really am sorry" he says with the most saddest voice I ever hear before he walks out and shuts the door behind him.

As soon as he drives off I feel my legs give out from underneath me and I fall to the floor sobbing.

Why did this happen to me why?

I get up walking back to my room while still crying and open up one of my drawers looking for the only friend I know can help me through any situation

My blades.

I find the box I keep them in and reach for a small but sharp one and pick it up and head to my bathroom.

Thats also how I added 7 new scars to my collection.


Hey guys been a while since i've done a chapter but this is so far the longest one i've done so yall better enjoy! Anyways its 6:36 am right now and i haven't gone to sleep yet and I got my first migrane yesterday and let me just say Worst. Headache. Ever! I still have it right now! Its along story on why I got it let me know if you actually wanna know cause its a lot of drama but anyways im gunna get some sleep now byee.
~K <3

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