Chapter 6

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Donicas POV;


Groan why must my slumber be interrupted by a stupid device called the alarm.

I open my eyes and see the sunlight streaming in thought my slightly cracked curtains I lay there for while until I remember yesterday.

I freeze as the memories of what happened yesterday come flooding back to me and hitting me like a wave

Cameron was here. He saw my cuts. I snapped at him.
He cared?

I vividly remember that look he had on his face when he left my house he looked worried with a mix of sad.

I get my confused self up and go in to the bathroom to do my bussiness .

I get out and put on my outfit for the day.

A gray halter top with a white cardigan on top and black jeans and for shoes I wear my all white vans.

I do my everyday makeup and brush out the knots in my hair once im satified with my look I grab my bag and an apple and head ouside to my car which is finally fixed,

Yay! No more unexpected rides from Cameron!

I drive to school and on my way over there I start to think of the events that happend yesterday my knuckles turning white with how hard I'm holding on to the steering wheel

Would he go easy on me?
Would he tell the whole school?
Would it make things better or worse?

My mind was flooded with questions and I soon realized I was at the gates of hell.

I park my car and get out slowly and check if the guys where there at their usual spot.

They weren't

Thats odd their usually always there. Am I to early today?
I check the time 7:50 No, I'm right on time

School starts at 8am I'm right on time

Well I shouldn't get my hopes up they could be waiting for me at my locker.

I turn the corner to the hallway where my locker is and to my surprise no one is there the hallway only has like 3 other kids getting their stuff out.

I think to myself.

But I'm not complaining I finally get a day off from the abuse of those jerks

I walk to my locker and open it getting my stuff out for the day when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

And here we go
I mumble to myself as I slowly turn around to face the stranger.


I shut my eyes and start whimpering.

"Im not going to hurt you"
he says while putting his hands up

I open my eyes and see that he's actually serious.

To say I was surprised would be saying something but I was more than surprised I was shocked.

"Y-our not?" I ask with my eyes huge with surprise.

"No I just want to apologize for being such a complete dick to you, I wanna apologize for hurting you everyday and making you suffer alone, I want to apologize for putting such ugly cuts on such a beautiful girl, Im just really sorry Donica"

He finished saying his apology and I just stand there with my mouth open in shock waiting for him to say he's kidding or something.

"C'mon Donica say something anything"

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