Just like the old times

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A/N: THIS IS A BUCKYFIC WIEEEEE. I hope I have the time to make it Bucky/Peter. Hope you like it 😘.
Pairing(s): Bucky x Reader (WAGGHH ik ik)
Warning(s): Idk really. Swearing tho.

Waking up in the middle of the night has been frequent thing for you recently. There were no nightmares or too good dreams. Just your body doing weird shit. But you didn't complain about it. Every night, you would watch Bucky humming softly to old tunes. Him looking relaxed and all calm makes you happy. You had your little crush with Bucky ever since you laid your eyes on him. Admittedly, you were flustered meeting him the first time. But he was always tensed. So seeing him calm in the middle of the night from your room was a rarity for all the avengers. You were grateful for it.

You opened your door slightly, just enough to see if Bucky was there. Surprisingly he wasn't. Without his happy presence, you were tidbit hurt but what hurt you more was the growling rumble from your stomach due to hunger. You walked out your room quietly, making sure no other avenger in the compound would wake up.

You opened the fridge and looked for something to eat. But it was empty. Mostly only sauces. You let out a grumpy sigh and checked the cabinets. You were happy when you saw the untouched and unopened Lucky Charms. You hesitated but grabbed it anyway. You made your way to the couch and sat on it.

While you were peacefully eating your milk-less cereal, Bucky came in the room without you noticing.
"Those are Sam's." He says quietly. You, jump slightly in surprise. He then chuckles.
"Fuck, Bucky. Don't do that." You fake a breath and putting your hand to your chest.
"Exactly. Shouldn't you be helping me finish this then?" You add, cocking an eyebrow. He puts a smug smirk on his face as a reply, sitting beside you on the couch.
"You're early tonight." He simply says, like it was nothing. He acts like you watching him from your room was nothing. Even getting from the Lucky Charms box.
" I don't know what you're talking about." You lie, blushing a tomato shade.
"So who was the girl who looks like you in your room, huh? You have a sister you're not talking about?" He teases you playfully.
"I- ugh. Sorry." You say, with all the confidence and sarcastic tone just lost.
"Nah. You're cute watching me." He winks, making you blush redder than you were already.
"I used to work for Hydra, Y/N. Noticing you from your room is nothing compared to what they told me to do." He jokes. Earning a chuckle from you.

The both of you sat in comfortable silence for a while eating the cereal you stole from Sam. Time flew fast and your eyes started involuntarily closing and Bucky seemed to notice.
"You should get some sleep." He suggests.
"What do you listen to? How come it makes you so relaxed?" You ask, ignoring his past statement. He pauses to think.
"Well, the music industry just changed so much. I miss the old tunes." Bucky explains.
"What do you usually listen to?" You repeat your first question.
"Nothing in particular really." He sighs. Your tired mind then sparked an idea.
"How 'bout if we listen to one of my favourite classics?" You happily suggest. He nods subtly, not sure what to expect. You told him to wait as you ran to your room and got your old record player.
"Help me out here, Gramps." You joke but clearly having a hard time setting the player. He stands from the couch and helps you. When the player was finally ready, you turned it on and adjusted to a volume to the point only you and Bucky can hear it.

The sounds of violins and the piano blended perfectly when "La Vie En Rose", covered by Louis Armstrong, started playing. You smiled and looked to Bucky, who still had a confused look on his face.

"Y/N, what is th-" You cut him, placing a finger on his lips.
"Just listen to it." You say, not even louder than a whisper. You close your eyes and focus only to the music.
The song relaxes you and makes you escape the cruel-some reality you are living in. You were listening too deeply to the song, that you didn't notice your hips already swaying to the music. More importantly, you forgot Bucky was with you and watching you.

Bucky loves what his eyes are seeing. The sight of you dancing to the music is the thing he lives for. You then realize what you're doing, opening your eyes slowly, with another tint of red on your cheeks.
"So erm. Di-"
You said, but Bucky cut you off with a shush. He slowly wraps his left metal arm around your waist and grabs your hand.
"Bucky, what are you doing?" You asked, in a rhetorical variety.
"Just finishing what you started." He smirks. You shyly, look away but your face was brought back to his eyes when Bucky carefully did. You smile and started dancing with him. Both of your feet moved and stepped in sync.

Hold me close and hold me fast
The magic spell you cast..

You place your head on the side of his. This time he blushed. He never knew he'd reach the day. He never knew he would be this close to you. Now that you are, he just couldn't stop the butterflies in his stomach.

And though I close my eyes
I see La Vie En Rose..

Bucky closes his eyes, savouring every second happening between the both you. Even with his eyes shut, he could still feel the burning heat in his heart. Better, he feels it a hundred times hotter. And this satisfies him. Happier than he'd ever been. Happier than every good moment in his life combined.

And when you speak, angels sing from above
Everyday words seem to turn into love songs

"Is this how you woo your women back in your days, Bucky?" You joke, your head still in the crook of his neck.
"Oh I did more than just dance with them. Lot more." He smiles. Throughout the whole dance, the grin on his face was never worn off.

And life would always be La Vie En Rose

When the song was about to end. Bucky put his forehead on yours. You and Bucky weren't very close. But being this close to each other just puts all the weights disappear. He moves his face closer to yours until your nose touched.
"May I kis-"
You cut him off by grabbing the nape of his neck and softly collided your lips with his. You couldn't wait any longer with the awkward tension between the two of you for the past months. Oh how it felt so good to be finally be this close to him. The feeling of his lips on yours satisfies you. And satisfies him much more. His feelings for you just went out of the chart.

You pull out needing air, but missing the feeling. You looked at him and was happy to see the genuine grin of his lips.
"So was it just like the old times?" You start, smiling uncontrollably.

"Much better than the old times, doll. Much better." He says, grabbing your face softly to put his lips on yours once again.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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