Chapter 33

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3rd person POV

5:00 AM

The young agents in training of the organization line up in a orderly straight line in the arena as always exactly on time waiting for their instructor and to be given orders. All lined up, shoulder to shoulder, emotionless. In the room you could hear a single pin drop.

Two hours passed and for the fifth time this week Ash hasn't shown up for her duties to lead the trainees.

"Give it up guys," Dillion sighs playing with a hand held gun from the holding rack where the weapons are held, breaking up the formation. "She's too good for us now." He says disassembling and reassembling the .40 caliber pistol playing with it in a manner that would never be tolerated in front of Ash.

"T-that's not true." Cameron shakily says scared from the last interaction the two boys had. Dillion kept reminding him how much stronger and fearless compared to himself which didn't help his frightened state.

Cam was always scared of other people judging him or the thought of him standing out. Ashlyn knew he'd grow out of it though and do great things. In the meantime he's stuck with dealing with his insecurity that his junior team is putting on him.

"Look girls!" Dillion turns to the other two members of their petite team. "The rat can actually speak!" He applauds sarcastically, over dramatically showing his enthusiasm.

Alanna and Kelsey giggle at his comments, but soon stop after looking over at Cameron's red face.

The girls have never stood up to Dillion. They always thought he was basically the leader of the group because he was the strongest. They'd always just side with him when he made fun of Cam, but this time it was different.

"Agent Summers wouldn't just leave." Alanna points out and Chris-a member from Ashlyn's team- walks in the training area very alert. A face full of determination and anger. He's too outraged and furious to even notice the outplacement of the trainees. If he had there'd be punishments.

It looked as if he got no sleep for a couple days yet had drank three coffees too many. He came in searching for something. Or in this case someone.

"She's not here, sir." Dillion says respectfully with hands behind his back looking like a trained solider once again.

"Then where?!" Chris blows up loosing his temper. Silence fills the air as he paces back and forth of the room.

"You don't know?" Kelsey asks frightened looking at Chris with worry.

Chris doesn't answer. He walks over to the holding rack picking up more pistols, a machine gun, and sniper. After angrily stuffing his bag with more ammunition Chris storms out when he sees another one of Ashlyn's teammate in the doorway balling her eyes.

"I could've helped her!" Lexi cries fooling them all. Chris wraps his arms around Lexi embracing her and trying to comfort her, but Chris had so much anger and thoughts inside him he couldn't think straight.

Without even thinking-like always- Dillion grabs a rifle from the rack and starts loading it with bullets.

"Let's go," he says heading towards the door of where the two specially advanced agents exited from.

Kelsey grabs the shaft of the gun and pushes down to the floor keeping it under control the of her foot. She snarls as Dillion tries to receive it back.

"What in the world do you think your doing?" She says referring to him not knowing how much of a safety problem it is to point a loaded gun to others and to why he's going with Chris and Lexi.

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