Chapter 5

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Ash's POV

Dash's practice ended and I didn't see him so I just walked back to the school. I stopped recording with my fake nerd glasses and put them away in my purse.

Maybe now I can go put cameras in the-

Suddenly I'm tackled to the ground. Shoot! No not here! Not during my new assignment!

I flip myself and the man. Once I'm completely stable and he's still caught off guard I kick the man where it hurts.

"Shit!" Oops, false alarm...

"Gosh I'm SO sorry Dash!" Ugh this so isn't going help me complete step three.

"I'm still where the padding so it didn't hurt that bad." Ok good. "Why did you flip me?"

"Just a instincts, reflects? I don't know what to call it." Dash chuckles,

"Your cute."

"You too." We smile warmly at each other. Both our stares got interrupted by the stupid school bell. I look behind Dash and see Chris.

His emotion on his I can't quite make out. It's a mix of surprised, shocked, worried, mad, and possibly jealousy. I wonder why.

"Well see you later." I slowly walk towards the school and he goes the opposite way towards the gym so he can go change.

"Yeah, later Ash."

Chris's POV

I saw Ash flip Dash and I almost flipped out! She was gonna blow her cover!

But then it all cooled down.

"Your cute." Dash said to Ash. Don't say it A-

"You too." Shit!

They thankfully walked away. Me and Dash went to the locker rooms to get changed.

Dash started chuckling on the way.

"What man?

"You brah," I raise my eyebrows confusingly. "Stalking that girl I was with?"

"No bro, she took you down!" I make an excuse.

"Hey, I wasn't ready at the time."

"You can't be ready. Things like that can happen at anytime. Learned from experience."


"Look the cheerleaders!"

"Where?!-" he would've continued to shout but I tackled him down. "What was that for?"

"Told you, anytime." I smirk.

"Well played."

I'm probably not jealous of him. Maybe because I'm worried that Ash is flirting with a drug dealers son. Yeah, that's it. I must just be an over protective friend.

Ash's POV

I don't know why but I kind of... Just stood there in front of the school looking space. I had no idea why.

"Ash!" *SMACK*

"What was that for?!" I yell at my co-worker Lexi.

"A little smack to reality, Ash!" She yells and as we got back into the school we quieted out voices. "Ok, don't look like an outcast or anything like that. Remember your notes about Dash. And try to fit in a little bit." We talk and make our way to my locker.

I sigh, "Lexi... What if I can't-"

"Ash you'll do fine. Listen, stay close to me and Chris. We'll help you, yeah?" She says to stop me from worrying.

"What about during classes?"

"We have homeroom, English, Art, and Math."

"And we have homeroom, English, Art, and history." A deep voice from behind us says.

"Speaking of the idiot..." Lexi mumbles.

"But we weren't talking about idio-"

"Shut up Ash. Don't ruin my moment." She raises a hand at my face and I roll my eyes.

"Aww love you too babes."

"Shut up Chris." Me and Lexi say.

"Well you two are in a good mood!" He says sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I grab my phone and a random notebook from my locker. We all walk down the hall to our homeroom class.

When I walk in behind Lexi and Chris I see Dash sitting in the back with two of his friends sitting beside him.

Remember shy at first, Ash.

One of Dash's friends nudges him towards the door where I am.

"Hey, new girl." His friend looks at me giving a flirtatious stare.

"Ryan, shut up." Dash punches his arm and walks over to me. "Hey Ash, want to talk outside?"

"Um sure."

We both walk outside into the hallway.

"Ok, Ash I'm just gonna get straight to the point."

Before I can ask Dash slams his lips into mine roughly. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him closing the space between the both of us. I just stand there not knowing what to do except wrap my arms around Dash's because that's where he placed them in the process. I have had the guys that I'm assigned to have his lips on mine but the next second he's on the ground clutching his gut, but I've never actually had a first kiss that I've actually kissed back on.

"What?" Dash asks pulling away.

"What do you mean?"

"Your not kissing back or anything. Something wrong?"

"I-I've never kissed before."

"Kissing virgin?"

"Sorta. I've had guys try at least. Like they would put their lips on mine but-" don't tell him u best the crap out of them! You crazy Ash?! "I pulled away. I didn't think they were the one."

"Well I'll just have change that." Dash smirks. Before I can ask why the bell rings and he heads back inside.

DAMN IT! Oh whatever I can say bad words in my head. Is damn a bad word? Oh well.

I head back as well and sit at the table Lexi and Chris are at.

"Did he invite you to the New Years party?!" Lexi whispers.


"Guess that's a no. Dash throws a big party every year for New Years. Invite only."

"You should try to get an invite Ash," Chris comments. "Maybe you can find out some more information."

Yeah, maybe I can, and I'll be completing step three of my plan.

But how am I going to get an invite? It's not like I can ask the guy.

I need to complete step three if I'm going to take Peterson down.

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