Chapter 4

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Ashlyn's POV

I found my locker and put my stuff inside.

Ok cameras, check. Ear buds with mikes, check. Stuff that I don't know what to call, check. Mascara? Eye liner? Mirror? Check!

HEY DONT GIVE ME THAT LOOK. I'm on an assignment that doesn't mean I don't wanna look like a zombie doing it.

Ok, maybe I should go find Dash's locker. I look in my phone and see the messages from my boss. I'm not gonna say mom, because it's weird thinking my mom helps secrete CIA.

Ok so locker 74-

I almost have a heart attack when someone slams my locker shut and it echoes through out the empty hallway. I can sense the person smirking down at me because of my expression.

"Did I scare you, babe?" Dash's deep voice takes me back to the real world.

"A little bit." I respond a little shyly. His background says he's into girls who are shy at first but really fun when you get to know them. So that's what I'm going to do and hope it works. After playing the shy act for another couple of seconds I look up at him. "Hey, I thought you said you had to go to practice."

"Yeah, but then I saw you and didn't get your name." He winks. Ugh barf? It's not his appearance or anything. It's because he's the son of an illegal drug dealer. Why would I like him if we're on opposite teams?

"Well it's Ashlyn, but you can call me Ash. What's yours?"

Even if you were to look me up you can't. There's no existing fillies of me because all my life I've been kept a secret for security purposes. Being daughter of the CIA leaders since birth would have lots of people wanting to hurt me because of my parents.


"Cool. Now go," I say now shooing him away, so I can find his locker and put one of the micro cameras inside. He let's out some deep chuckles. "The teams not gonna win if the quarterback doesn't practice." I try convince him.

"How did you know I was the quarterback?" Dash raises his eyebrow.

"Umm lucky guess," I shrug.

"Can you watch me practice? I'll watch your try-out for cheer after school?"

"I was kind of busy-" He cuts me off.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaasse?" I groan.

"Ugh, fine." I guess I could put the cameras in later. Besides this is helping me complete step two of my plan.

We walked outside together to the field then separated because I had to go sit on the bleachers, and Dash had to go put the padding on then practice.

When I sit down I take out my fake nerd glasses. I don't know why I love them. They're just so magical. Also it has a spy camera in the corner but no one can see it.

I turn it on when Dash is finished getting ready and heads to field. I record him so I'll know what his power and weakness is against someone, just incase he's working for his dad and might turn on me.

When he scores the 7th touchdown in a row he looks up at the bleachers until his meet mine. Dash smiles widely like a little kid, but I roll my eyes. Ugh I could do that.

This time he has the ball and has to run past this huge buff guy almost a foot taller then him.

There is no he can get passed. I'm the only person I know that can take a person that has a really big size difference then me, and that's because I've been training almost all my life so there is no way he can-

Oh guess I was wrong.

In a blink of an eye the guy Dash was going up against is down, and Dash runs and makes another touch down.

He smirks at my shocked when we make eye contact.

'That's Dash in a flash.' He mouths to and smiles. I roll my eyes, but can't help but smile back.

He's so cute.


No shut up Ash. Your just jealous that he can take someone bigger then his size faster then you.

Yeah, that's probably it.

Ok, ignore that for right now.

This is basically being his friend right? Going his football practice? Yeah!

Step two complete!


A/N: Hi..... Yeah. I'm too tired to type a lot of stuff right here so




Blah blah blah

Also follow my Instagram: t1nal3

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