Chapter 1

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The wind whips my hair tossing it to and fro and reddens my freckled cheeks. His hands are slung in the front pocket of his hoodie and his eyes are gazing into mine with an intensity strong enough to literally take my breathe away. I shut my eyes and exhale in attempt to calm my raging heart. Standing here, in this moment with him so close I'm too overwhelmed for words. He stands silent so I assume he must feel the same. I watch him take his bottom lip underneath his top row of teeth as his eyes rake over my features. The corners of my own mouth begin to turn up into a smirk, but before my grin can fully develop his lips are on mine and his hands are in my hair, Pulling, tugging, twisting. I gasp when his warm hand runs down the contour of my neck and he chuckles against my lips. He pulls away but I'm way too lost in his embrace to follow suit, instead I stand there with my eyes closed and my form pressed against his. He leans in and whispers something that makes me giggle. My eyes snap open and my hands find his, they intertwine. Everything about this moment is so right, I want nothing more than to be in it forever.

I shut the book I'm reading and slide it across the counter and into the drop bin. It's a romance, of course. I figure if I cant have my own love story why not live vicariously through someone else's? That's one of the many perks of working in a bookstore downtown; right next to the coffee shop and there's an endless supply of novels and essays. Aren't satisfied with your life? search the shelves until you find a new one that fits you least that's my philosophy.

It's not that I don't like my life per say,  it's just so...bland. I'm 18 living in a home with a single mom and going to a high school that makes me dread waking up in the mornings. But I mean, what high school doesn't? I guess what I'm trying to say, is with college starting in the fall I'm hoping for a little more action in the social department of my sorry excuse for a life....or lack there of. Which is why I'm not sure why I'm so into all this romance and whatnot, since love is a completely psychotic and unrealistic concept. If two is really better than one, then why do I feel so much safer and so little pain when I'm on my own? I know, how cynical of me.

"Caydence," It's Luke calling me from the back of the store, probably some issue with an incorrect placement of some book or something. I fling my book mark somewhere behind me and begin to make my way over to the shelf he's tending. When I get there he's holding a cookbook, a puzzled expression covers his face.

"I don't think this is ours." He states checking the exterior for some sort of bookstore identification. "I think someone might have left if behind when they came looking to buy something else." I take the book from him and inspect it myself. Sure enough, no price markings or new book smell.

"toss it with the others." I speak pointing to a pile of discarded and misplaced books.

By the time I get back to my post behind the register at the front of the store, there's a line of customers waiting. Some lady with a Macy's bag and a cup of coffee, a couple kids ogling the candy display, and in the far back, his hands clasped behind his head, Jordan Collins stands looking completely flawless. I may not believe in true love, but hey, a girl can dream right?

"Sorry for the wait!" I'm telling the first woman in line as I take her book and scan the barcode. She nods sympathetically but doesn't say anything back, how pleasant. I ring her up and finish her purchase and the others in line behind her, well all expect one.

Jordan waltz's up to the counter, I say waltz because it's way to hot to just be a walk, and sets his book down in front of the register. For just a moment I"m torn between the decision to take his book, scan the bar-code and collect his money, or to just stand there ogling him. But neither happens because instead, pretty boy decides to initiate conversation.

"Kaitlin, ........" He starts to speak but I've become distracted with the fact that he's even said my name, the wrong name yes, but still the point is he knows who I am. I must be dripping drool and starry eyed because Luke comes form behind and takes the book in his hands.

".....It's not there." Jordan is saying. By now I've completely missed what he's said and so I stand in the back, embarrassed and confused. Without one word Luke scans the book and sets it back down on the counter. Then he reaches for a pencil and scribbles some numbers down on a bookmark, sticking it in the book and sliding it back across to Jordan who walks away without even saying goodbye. Luke must notice the lost look on my face because he turns to me and states very dryly,

"Price check."

"Huh?" I ask because I'm totally still checking Jordan out and have no clue what he's saying.

"That guy, he wanted to know the price of the book Caydence." His tone is clipped but his face is soft and his eyes are smiling at me.

"Thanks." I tell him referring to the way he saved me from total humiliation back at the counter with Jordan. His smile dims but his eyes still shine bright and he hasnt moved since I began talking to him. Luke's mouth opens slightly like he wants to say something but then closes again like he's changed his mind. Instead he ends up settling for a meek,

"What are friends for?" I nod in agreement clapping him on the shoulder as I pass by him to get to the storage room. And he's right. I mean of course he is, Luke's always right. He's always right and he always knows just what to say or do under pressure. Luke really is a good friend.


It must be below 30 degrees outside. The cold nips at small hairs on the back of my neck and chaps my lips. By the time I make it across the parking lot and to the drivers side of my car, my pale face and thin fingers barely have color so it takes just about every last ounce of my energy to reach into my jacket pocket and retrieve my keys. Inside the car it's warm but it takes a minute before I regain the feeling in my hands and feet. Somewhere in the back seat my phone is ringing. The vibrations sound like thunder against the leather interior of the car. I turn and reach back to grab for it.

"Hello?" I answer lifting it to my ear.

"Lucas." I know the voice before my voice gets a chance to react. The words leave my mouth fast and sharp.

"Cody, why are you calling me?" I hear him blow his breathe into my ear before he replies. In my mind I see him running his hands through his hair and scratching at the tattoo that covers his shoulder, both nervous habits.

"Look, I'm sorry OK. What happened that night, I didnt mean any of it." Bull. If he hadn't meant to hurt me, he would have apologized sooner. He treats this whole thing like its some petty argument or something. Cody is way too close to me to have done something so permanent and damaging in my life. So it happens again, the way it happens every other time he calls my phone, I hang up before he can rehash the memories that changed me forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2013 ⏰

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