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Chapter 22

Maya's P.O.V

Its hard. To leave all this behind. Riley. Lucas. Auggie, Topanga, Mathews, Farkle.

There my family. There everything to me and know to have them leave ny life.

I hate that I had to go with my dad. Even if it's only for 2 years. I need to be with Lucas.

As I stand infront of the gate. Almost ready to go.

"I cant believe this is happening." I say to Lucas as I feel tears in my eye's.

"Its okay baby. We could skype. Call. Text. Anything you want I could fly to where you are even though if I could just see you smile for a second. Cause you mean the world to me" he said.

I started to cry heavily cause his words.

"I love you" I Say as I give him a peck on the lips with my tipy toes.

"I love you more Ms. Maya Penelope Friar!" he told me.

"Uhhhhhh. Uhhhhh" I started to cry even harder. As he gives me soft pecks on the lips with a huge hug.

I move on to Mr. Mathews and Topanga.

"Hey I just want to thank you guys for everything you've done for me." I said.

"Dont worry swear heart. You'll always be are second daughter." Ms. Mathews said. "Thank you" I told them as I hugged them both.

I squat down to Auggie, Ava. "Hey you guys hold on to eachother. Cause when your older you'll need your bestfriend around or whatever you are." I laugh. "Were married. Look I have a ring." Ava said as she holds a diamond wing on her finger. "Hey thats mine." Said Topanga as she snaches her ring back. I start to laugh as I hug them two. "Okay."

I go to Farkle. "Farkle I love you" I Say.

"I love you more Maya." he says and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Im never ever gomna forget your smart talk." I say laughing then I quickly turn into a demon. "If you even dare to hurt Riley. I would come back then cut you into little ant pieces then feed your to paranas. Just kidding." I say laughing.

"Ohhhh. Whoooo." Farkle says also laughing. "Not kidding" I say. "JK" He laughs again. "No" I patt his shoulder.

Next, Riley

"Don't worry I got him." I say as I walk up to Riley. "Thanks" She say's smiling as she helds her hand for mine.

"I'm gonna miss you. Alot. I don't want to leave. Riles I don't."

"Ohhh Maya. It's okay we could do Alot of stuff that log distance relationships do." Riley say's.

I start to and so her too.

'All flights to Boston. Please head to abord'

"Well that's me. Gotta go" I say as I Riley one last big hug

"Love you"

"Love you too"
We say to each other as then I say goodbye and start to walk off.

I hand my ticket to the something something. And look book at everyone as I wave goodbye.

I start to walk in the plane thingy to get to the plane.

Damn what are these things.

Lucas P.O.V

I can't believe this is happening. Maya's leaving.

The last thing I see from her is her waving off. I love her and I don't want her to leave but it's the only right thing. She is far away from the bad guy that wants her dead.

As we all start to walk away from the plane I hear something or someone.


We all turn around and It's Maya.
"Hey what's wrong..." I was cut off by Maya kissing me on her tipy toes. I love hoe she is smaller than me.

"I love you" She say's as she seperates the kiss. "Me too"

'Last Call for Boston'

"Well I have to go. Or the plane will leave me." She say's.

"Yeah. Yeah."

Then she walks away again but for good.

I coudn't help but let a tear as Riley comes and conforts me.


Author's Note:

Guys I have alot of plans for this book.

Maya & Lucas will go through:
Ups & Downs
BreakUps & Makeups
Party to Crying
Maddness & Happy
Lies. Secrets & more.

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