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Chapter 11

Lucas P.O.V

The full week past withouth Maya even looking at me our talking. Why doesn't she just forgive me¿?

At the end of the day I go up to Farkle and Mr. Mathews to tell them about my problem with Maya and everything. I told them the full story. They said they understood Mayas Point Of View, and that I should change it. "How?" I ask. "Tell her how you truly felt" I look down to my shoes the nodded my head.

Okay I would do it.

But first I would need to wait till tommorow cause I need to make sure I know what to say.


Author's Note: I know this chapter is really short it's just I'm super busy!
Also guy's I have some sad new's Forever Whistle is Know officaly GONE. I deleted it sorry!!!

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