Chapter 18: does my mom die?

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Chandler's POV
I heard Kate phone go off and she went down stairs. I fallow her and so does the rest of the cast. When Katelyn gets to half of the hall way she falls to the ground.

I run to her and helped her up. She was walking to the counter and she hands me the keys. Then she tells the whole cast her mom got in an awful car accident. I was shocked because her dad just died 15 minutes ago.

I take the keys and get in the car I buckled my self up and when Katelyn got buckled I drove her to the hospital. When we were a couple of miles away from the hospital I heard Kate ask Emily if she could still stay at her house and i heard Emily say of course.

When we got to the hospital I parked the car and Kate jumped out of the car and ran into the hospital. I ran in after her. She was at the desk when she asked for her mom and the nurse said what is your moms name and Katelyn said Natalie Elizabeth Nacon. She said ok and that she has a major concoction, memory lost, and if she will wake up.

Kate sat down I a chair and cried I sat next to her and she was really crying hard. Everyone sat down next to me and Kate and they were all sad.

Katelyn's POV
When I heard the lady at the counter said that my heart fell to my stomach. I sat down and Chandler sat down next me and held me. Then the whole cast sat down next to me and Chandler. It took 6 hours until a nurse came out and called my name we all stud up and I said I Katelyn with a shaky voice.

He came up to me and said she might not make it for long because of her condition but she is awake for right now if you want to go see her. I said yes and went to go get Chandler to came with me. When I walk into her room I went over to her bed and stood there.

I told my mom that it is ok if you leave and stay with dad. I will m-miss y-you a lot. I put my hand on my moms and then said I don't want you to leave I don't want to lose you like I lost dad. I need you please don't go.

I let go of my moms hand told her I had to go I love you mom. It is your choice if you want to stay in this world or if you want to stay with dad in heaven. I don't care what you choose because I want you to be happy with your choice. Bye.

When we came back out every run stood up and I dropped to the ground and cried. Chandler came over to me and rubbed my back. I told Chandler that I still loved him and that I don't want you to go.

He told me that I he loved me too and that he will never leave me. We kissed and he helped me up. We walked back into the car and I sat in the passenger seat and Chandler in the drivers seat. Everyone else had to cram in.

When we got back to Chandler's house I went in side to Chandler's room. I laid on his bed and went to sleep. I heard the door close and the bed drops down a little. I open my eyes and see that it was just Chandler. He put an arm around me and I fell back to sleep.

How do you like this chapter. Comment down below if I should or should no kill the mom. I will follow what you guys will say. Talk to all later. Bye😳

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