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After sitting in the hospital for a day or so, I was finally allowed to leave. I gathered all of my things and took my dad's car, I wanted to surprise Liam at home so I didn't tell him I was being released. In fact I didn't tell anyone.

My phone was buzzing, so I quickly picked it up.

"Jessie?" A voice said frantically on the other line.

"Stiles is that you?"

"Yeah, I'm calling from the high school, I need help. I didn't know who else to call, but it's Donovan. Jessie please come to the school. Please hurry."

"What? Stiles what's wrong? And how did you know I was being released?"

"I don't have time to explain, but Donovan is after me."

"Stiles why are you whispering?" I asked.

"Because he's almost here. Jessie just please hurry, and bring your gun."

Stiles hung up the phone, and I quickly did a U-turn and sped back to the high school. I didn't call for any backup, I figured I could take on this kid alone.

Learn from my experience. Always call for backup.

I finally got to the school. I grabbed my gun out of the center console and ran inside. The only place Stiles could have called from would be the library, that's the only place students have access to after hours. I sprinted down the hall as quietly as I could and listened through the doors of the library. I could hear Donovan's voice throwing threats at Stiles, and I could hear him going up the stairs, so I waited until he was at the top to go into the room.

He finally stopped walking, and I figured it was now or never, so I quietly opened the door and snuck into the library. I made eye contact with Stiles, he looked terrified, he was covered in blood, but I gave him a reassuring nod and I continued to walk forward.

"Ah, deputy Dunbar. So Stiles, even you know your father isn't the best on the force. You know, I've been hoping you would show up. I knew he would have to call someone, and I'm so glad it was you."

"Donovan, come on, don't do something you'll regret." I said, trying to talk some sense into him.

"Oh but deputy, I'll regret it if I don't." The words slid out of Donovan's mouth like poison, and he leapt from the top floor back down to ground level.

"Stiles Run!" I yelled as I started to shoot at Donovan.

The bullets weren't doing any real damage, besides shocking him, but at least that gave Stiles time to run. Donovan spotted stiles and shifted his attention to him. I could see Stiles beginning to climb up some scaffolding, but Donovan wasn't far behind.

"Don't worry Stiles, I'm not gonna kill you. I'm just gonna eat your legs." He hissed.

Stiles was climbing harder, and I began running towards him. I started to climb behind him, trying to fight off Donovan, but nothing was working. I pulled at Donovan's legs only to have him reach back and kick me in the face. I let go and fell backwards, falling about 10 feet to the hard carpeted ground of the library. I was in a daze from hitting my head, all while still recovering from the accident a few nights prior.

Just then Stiles pulled the pin that was holding all of the scaffolding up, and the metal poles began to fall, straight onto Donovan. With one going right through his chest. I tried to roll over or quickly move out of the way from the metal beams falling but I must not have been quick enough. I felt a sharp stinging in my leg and figured it must have been cut a little or hit. But Stiles's face showed otherwise.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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