The hospital visit.

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Review of chapter 2

My eyes flew open and I quickly sat up.

Harley was in the drivers seat. "Harley you okay why are you driving?"

No answer

"Haarley answer me!!!!"

He turned back to face me, "YOU CHEATED ON ME!!!"

"Harley please thats no reason to drive while drunk STOP THE CAR!!"

He banged his hands on the wheel, "YOU BROKE MY HEART!!!!"

"HARLEY!!!!?!!" i yelled "One moment cant change everything!"

"But thats exactly what happened"

"HARLEY LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"





Chapter 3

"Kayla please wake up, im so sorry...please, i should have never done any of this to you, im so stupid please."

I could hear someone beside me speaking but I couldnt open my eyes to see who it was. "Its no use.....shes never gonna wake up." cried Sam from the other side of me. I could hear beeping noises from moniters behind me, sounds like im in the hospital. "No c'mon Sam we gotta have the least bit of faith in her, shes a strong girl, she been through alot. She can definetly get thru this." Danny whispered almost loud enough for everyone to hear. "I just.....I dont understand could you Harley......why?" Aubrey sobbed. "W-we a-all ju-ju-just have to be p-pa-paitent ok...for K-k-kay" Jason said, sounding like he was crying. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU HARLEY!!! HOW COULD You..MY SISTER COULD'VE DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!!! Fred yelled.

"DON'T SAY THAT OKAY!!!!!!! SHE'S GONNA WAKE UP!!" yelled Harley, "she has to..." he whispered at the end of his sentence. But everyone continued crying ignoring whatever Harley said. "You know what...fine...if you dont want me here....i'll go but please, tell Kay I love.." He started but was inturrupted by Fred, "IF YOU REALLY LOVED HER YOU WOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN INTO THE CAR DRUNK AND DRIVEN WITH HER IN THE BACKSEAT!!!, He slammed his hands on what seemed to be like a table and Harley didn't say a word.

After a few momentes of siclence I heard the door open and everyone stand up.

"Hello everyone, I'm Doctor Studwell, Kayla seems to be doing fine, shes out of the coma and we are expecting her to wake up in a couple of minutes so you all can sit tight." I could hear sighes of relief, "Well thats great because I was tired of listening to you guys conversations without being able to answer.....Who said that....Why is everyone so quiet......ohh wait" I sat up and looked to see everyone starring at me like I was crazy. "Well hello to you guys too." I said. "KAYYYYYYY i thought you would never wake up!!" Sammie yelled as she hugged me. Everyone was there giving me hugs and teddy bears.....except for Harley....I swore he was here....what happened? The doctor gave me a few more check ups befroe leaving the room. "Kay Dr. Studwell said your gonna have to stay here for the next few days before your able to get back on your feet...but you"ll be alright." Fred said while sitting in the chair next to Sammie. "Yea and the doctor said that 2 people could stay at a time with you over night, so me and Sammie decided to take the first night, and probably the rest unless you want the guys to stay with you for a night too" Aubrey said.

I nodded, "Yea I rather you and Sammie staying here all of the nights....but guys I have a question..How Long was I out?"

"Um.......for 18days...the doctors said thats remarkable concidering..most people stay in a coma for about 2 months." Danny explained. Well thats great, Im not like the other people who are out for a month. I looked over at Harley, I had'nt noticed that he was still in the room, I thought after that arguement with fred he had left the room, but instead he was starring at me wide-eyed. He honestly...looked terrible, Tear stains on the side of his face, his face itself was all red and puffy, his eyes were red, he looked as if he didnt shower in days. He was starring at me, not for a single second had he taken his eyes off of me for the rest of the time the guys were allowed to stay with us. When the doctor had told them to get out at first he didnt move, but when Aubrey ressured him that we will be fine he got up without saying a word, and left..

I looked up at Sammie and Aubrey they were both starring at each other. "What was that about guys?"

Sammie sat down on the bed next to me, "Kay these past five days have been really rough for Harley....You see, after the car accident..He was arrested for 8 days, he said that he was tossed around after the police had anounced what he was arrested for. All of the guys thought he was stupid and they would pull his hair and throw punches at him and bully him, so for the rest of his time he was in his cell, he said he would only leave if no one was out. Then once he was placed for bail, Me and Aubrey decided to bail him out since, Fred wasn"t going to do it, Jason and him had some beef and Danny.....well i dont know why he didn"t want to bail him out. When we arrived home with Harley non of the guys would talk to he only had the two of us, He explained to us experiences in jail and everything and how he had felt about almost killing you." She stopped and Aubrey continued, "When we got a call from the hospital saying that you were in a coma and might not be coming out of it...Harley was so depressed, he sat down in that same exact seat for the past 10days not leaving, he wouldnt even get up for food, Sam and I had to bring him something everyday. So you see.....he really cares."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing....He stayed here for 10days waiting for me to wake up...but last that I know of he told me he hated me. "Did he tell you guys what he said to me while we were in the car?" I asked. "Ummm no he said he couldn't remember..but he knows it must have been bad cause he was really out of it." said Sammie. Aubrey laid down on the other side of me, surprisingly the bed was big enough for the three of us to lay down on, but not really sleep. "Can you tell us....well.. if you remember" Aubrey asked. "He said...

"YOU CHEATED ON ME!!!" and I yelled back at him,

"Harley please that's no reason to drive while drunk STOP THE CAR!!"

but he didn't stop....he banged his hands on the wheel, "YOU BROKE MY HEART!!!!"

"HARLEY!!!!?!!" i yelled trying to get his attention but he didn't listen so I said"One moment cant change everything!"

Then he turned around back to face me and he said "But that's exactly what happened" and bam.....we crashed"

Both Sammie and Aubrey gave me a hug at the same time, I could feel a tear fall off of my cheek. When they pulled away I began to cry, " could I ......I cheated on him and now...I'm in love with him."

At that moment Sams phone buzzed, she walked over to the table and picked it up, "Hello?.....WHAT!!....NO....Oh my..." she dropped her phone.

I sat up quickly, "What happen Sam?"

"F-fred and Har-harley were fighting and things got way outta h-hand..." Before she could finish her sentence Danny came busting into the room.

"FRED AND HARLEY WERE FIGHTING OVER WHAT HAPPENED AND THINGS GOT WAY OUTTA HAND AND IM SORRY KAY!" he fell to his knees and started bawling I tried to stand up but failed and fell to the floor beside Danny and rubbed his back, "What do you mean your sorry?!?!" He looked back up at me with red eyes


"He accidentally pushed Harley into the street......"

"And he got hit by a truck"

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