Can I just ride a tricycle instead?

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    I put a picture of the twins up there for you guys :) ^

Kali's POV

     I trudged to school on yet another rainy morning, contemplating yesterday's brunch. Why was everyone around the desk whispering when they heard Kamrans name? And why did that jackass in the front kissing up to us after insulting us? Kamrans was obviously a nice guy, but he was also powerful, and most likely was very well off, which made me nervous. What was Mom doing with a guy like that anyways?

     The day passed in a blur, until it was time for dance class. It was the last class of the day and I was buzzing with energy. I hated not knowing the answer to something, and Kamran and his sons were the equations that I just HAD to solve. I stretched out my legs in the corner while chatting with one of the girls in my class. She looked to be more of the shy type, but she was friendly enough when I started talking to her. But right as Eric started walking towards us, she went silent.

"Well, well, look who decided to join us.", I teased. But when I looked beside me, she was gone. Eric quicker his eyebrow.

"I forgot the only friends you have are imaginary.", he jeered.
"She was just here, I swear she was!", I explained, exasperated.

"Okay, okay, let's just start practice the lift.", he held up his hands in mock surrender before placing his hands on my waist. He was right, we didn't get very much class time to practice our own dances, so we had to get started.

     I felt people's eyes on me as Eric lifted me. I sometimes forgot that Eric was liked by at least half the girls in our class. But then again, it wasn't my business anymore. We were friends. So why did my skin burn wherever he touched it?

     Near the end of class, our teacher had us perform the dance so she could see how far along we were. In this certain dance we had to depict a fighting couple, just the song Sorry had. I was the girl who was always facing away from Eric, who played the guy that was asking for forgiveness. Near the end, we went almost chest to chest before staring into each other's eyes.

     Gazing into those green orbs, I suppressed my 12 year old self. She was the reason my heart was beating this fast. It wasn't my fault at all, because I had no feelings for Eric. He gazed intensely at me, as if searching for something. Whatever it was he was looking for, I probably buried it with my 12 year old self. The sweet, innocent, and stupid girl I had been was long gone. I was sure, because I had buried her myself.

Eric's POV

     She was so frustrating blank. I could never read this girl, and yet she had worn her heart on her sleeve. In fifth and sixth grade she had been sweet and kind, with big doe eyes that made even the meanest teachers melt. Now she was strong, independent, straight-forward, yet still so kind. Before she had liked me, but I had liked Celine like the stupid ass I was. Now? I knew I was falling for her, but I didn't know if she still liked me. She had walls around her that make it impossible to peek into her heart, much less steal it. Oh, the irony.

Kali's POV

     I took a little bow before going to get a drink of water. I needed to be away from Eric. I couldn't think straight around him. I didn't look back as I grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

     I finished my homework just before midnight, when I promptly dived under my covers and was out cold. People say your deepest desires are only expressed through your dreams. What I dreamt that night only reinforced my belief in the utter stupidity of people. It was just a myth, just like that dream was a random delirium. I don't care how many prince charming exists. One does not ride up to the window of your apartment on a white horse and a face just like Erics. IT DOES NOT HAPPEN. End of story.

     I was just about to leave for school when Mom rushed out of the bedroom with her hair curlers bouncing unsteadily.

"Kali! Before you leave, just know that today after school, we're going to Kamrans, uh...home,  for a light brunch.", she trilled, handing me my bag.
"Okay then. Bye.", I replied, rushing out the door. Not being late for Biology was my first priority just then. Anything else could wait.

     It was too bad really, that I never noticed how Mom said we were going to Kamrans home,  not house.

     That day in English 10 minutes before the end of the day, news had quickly spread about a hot Lamborghini in the parking lot that just drove in with 2 even hotter guys. Chloe was talking my ear off about the 2 'mystery' guys while I tried to focus on our essay assignment. I never really got all the hype about super hot guys. Sure, they were categorized as gorgeous, but what else did they have? It wasn't like those 2 in the parking lot were here for just anyone. It was probably some beautiful girl that they were currently dating, like Celine.

     Just then, I got an incoming text from Mom.

By the way, Damian and Devon are going to pick you up. They should be there any minute.

     Holy shit. They were the hot guys in the parking lot, and I was their targeted victim. I quickly turned off my phone before Chloe could look at the text.

     "Who texted you?", she asked, trying to grab my phone.

     "Oh just my Mom." I technically told the truth, but Chloe had always been able to tell when I was nervous.

     "Are you okay Kali?"

     Her concern fell on deaf ears as the whole class looked at who had just walked through the doors. Damian wore blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and a brown leather jacket, while his gelled hair fell messily over his left eye. Devon wore black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket with spiked up hair. While Damian looked slightly bored and uninterested, Devon had on his usual pleasant mask of pissed off.  Chloe looked behind her and gasped as they both looked in our direction.

Right at me.

     Devon stalked over to me as I calmly put my things into my old backpack. Damian was leaning against the doorframe, looking amused.

     "Let's get out of this public school princess, before I catch something.", he seethed, leaning closer so only I could hear. The scent of Armani cologne was overpowering as I stood up. Poor Ms.L stood speechless behind her desk as everyone else in the room stared.

     "Is it okay if I leave early Miss?", I asked, acting like everything was normal. She nodded. So I did the only thing I could. I turned, shoved past Devon, and walked out of the room, leaving behind a speechless class and a confused Chloe. There was no time for explanations, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to give any yet.

     I marched all the way to the parking lot with the twins behind me, when I realized that I forgot to sign out at the office.

     "We already signed you out.", Damian called, already strolling towards the silver Lamborghini.

     "Oh, thanks.", I acknowledged as he buckled in. Devon was already at the wheel, staring lasers into the dashboard, which left me the back. I stood and blinked at the car, finally realising my current situation. I caught Damians teasing smile as he put on his sunglasses. Hell, those were probably more expensive than my whole apartment.
I swung into the backseat, hating the smell of new leather around me.
"Hey, this Lamborghini Veneno cost more than you could ever dream of seeing. Try not to be too disappointed when you go home to your Honda, honey.",sneered Devon.

"I'd ride a fucking tricycle if it took me away from you, darling.", I drawled in a sickly sweet voice. I saw Damian shaking in the front seat, trying to hold in his laughter. Needless to say, we drove the rest of the way in silence.

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