Chapter 29

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"About a year ago I was approached by the FBI to consult on a case and along the way they became impressed with my skills in both psychology and crime solving, the latter I can thank you for, and they offered me a permanent position as an FBI psychologist, including a badge and weapons training. Of course I didn't need training and I passed my test without a hitch. But I accepted and I know it's not normal. I know I should have a fake a badge and be worried about getting caught but I'm still worried about those things. If I get caught using my badge for shit like this I'll loose my job and probably go to jail for the rest of my life."

"Hey. Come here" he said pulling me into a hug. "It's okay. I believe you. But..." He said taking a dramatic pause. "If you ever hide something like that from me again, I will not be happy with you. I might even... Tickle you to death!" he finishes as his hands attack my sides in a tickle fight causing me to thrash around under his grip, squirming and squealing in pain and laughter as his hands assaulted my sides.

When he finally pulled away and let me catch my breath he just stared at me, a look of awe gleaming over his eyes as he broke out in a smile.

"What?" I asked all of a sudden feeling very self conscious and aware. "What is it?"

"I just love the sound of your laugh"

"Wow. Ya know you could be like a normal person and just oh I don't know tell me a joke..." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Yeah yeah. But we all know I'm not so great at doing what's normal."

"Agreed. Oh and just so we're clear, I still don't forgive you for leaving me behind on the hunt"

"And I'm not forgiving you for lying to me about what you've been up to"


"Hey. Let's agree to move on. Not forget but call it even"

"I don't know...."

"Seriously. What you did is worse, this is a good deal"

"Okay. You've got yourself a deal"

"A demon's deal?"

"A demon's deal."  I responded as we both leaned in to seal our deal with kiss.

Just as he slipped his tongue into my mouth deepening the kiss, just the way he knows I love, and making me melt into him... The door made a soft clicking sound as it was opened by a giggling Emilia with Sam following closely behind laughing along with her.

Dean and I quickly pulled away from each other and put a gap of space between us, attempting o cover up what we have been doing and were most likely about to do.

"Oh shit. Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt" Em quickly muttered as her and Sam walked the rest of the way into the apartment.

J- "Not sure what you mean. You didn't interrupt anything" I quickly responded hoping Dean didn't take my cover up the wrong way. "Dean and I were just talking... About the job that I acquired a around a year ago..."

E- "Shit. Really?"

J- "It was time. And he discovered 'it' wasn't a fake"

E- "Wow. Bravo, Dean"

S- "What are you guys talking about?"

J- "I think that's for Em to tell you"

Emilia's POV
Oh shit. This should be interesting

E- "Okay well. Remember when the two of us were fighting over our trip to hell. Well that was our first case with real badges. We were so afraid of someone finding out that we had been using our badges for unsanctioned cases that we weren't being as observant, I guess, as normal, at least not in the same ways. We didn't notice that one of the local officers was actually a werewolf which is how that got the drop on us, I died, she made deal and went to hell, I went after her, blah blah blah you know all that. The point is Jen ended up working a case for the FBI as a psychology consultant, and she told them she needed my help because we had always worked better together. They couldn't use me officially because I didn't have the proper credentials but they allowed her to bounce ideas off of me...."

I paused for a moment to see his reaction. He seemed to be taking it well so I continued,

"After the case was over they had been impressed not only with Jen's psych skills but also with her unusual abundance of crime am combat knowledge which she obviously got from you two, they were also pleased by how well we worked together and how her skills increased when she had someone who understood her and her work to bounce ideas off of. The bureau offered us both permanent jobs that included badges as well as weapons training plus flexibility to be able to keep our current practices and jobs..." I paused again, this time simply because I needed a deep breath.

"We accepted and we have been FBI agents ever since. Our badges are real of course we are still living in fear of getting caught because the jobs are unsanctioned, but when they run our credentials we never come up as a fraud which is definitely a plus. And of course we were planning on telling you boys but we didn't know how and we didn't expect someone" I said turning and sending a pointed glare at Dean "to some how notice the difference and figure us out"

D- "Sorry sweetie. I've been making fakes for a while. I know they key differences. Jen asked me to hand her, her badge off of her nightstand and one of those tiny details happened to catch my eye"

J- "Yeah what did give it away?"

D- "Your metallic reelection strip. The true badge has a purple color and when light hits it at certain angles it's a little more blue or a little more red. Hunters' badges are always the little more red or the little more blue never perfect and never the correct metallics to create all three"

S- "Huh. Let me see the badge"

E- "Uh yeah one sec" I quickly said as I started to dig into my bag and pull out my badge, I pass it to him and wait as he looks at my credentials and examines the details.

S- "Holy shit..."

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