The start of elimination.

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Her hands felt around her surroundings, freaking her out. At first she thought this was a sick prank from her twin, but she knew she would never do something this extreme. She reached above her, startled by the feel of wood. She looked up and noticed broken bark above her head. She stumbled up fast as her eyes moved around, revealing some rocks, trees, and soil. Her heart pounded and her mind raced from confusion. She started walking on her bare feet, holding onto a tree as she made her way into a cold rock.

She was out in the forest now, still dazed and confused from the situation. Fog filled the forest and her eyes as her walk slowly came to a stop. She rubbed her eyes underneath her glasses, surprised she still had them on. The sound of a twig snapping filled her ears, and she turned around slowly, revealing a wolf standing along the right side of her, about 5 feet away. As it seemed to notice her, it freaked out and started running. In her pajamas, she started to run along too, feeling the urge to catch it. She kept looking back and forth from the wolf and to the front of her as she got faster. After a few seconds, the fog got so bad, so she could barley spot the creature. She kept running as fast as she could, hoping to catch up with it. Her legs sprinted faster and faster as she pushed past trees. She then stumbled up the hill of leaves in front of her as the creature left her sight. When she was back on her feet, she turned behind her as she ran, then back in front of her. She had to catch that wolf. A fence appeared in front of her, and without hesitation, she grabbed ahold of it and hopped over. As soon as she did, she hit water and lost her breath from surprise. She started to move fast under water, reaching up to the surface. She desperately gasped for air right as her head popped out. It felt like everything was in slow motion. She tried to hold herself up in the water, but then bopped back down, the cold water hitting her in the face again. Soon enough she got herself back up, she moved around fast to figure out where she was. Her heard whipped around her surroundings as she saw trees-trees with flowers and bright green leaves on them. Still breathing heavily, she looked straight in front of her as confusion and embarrassment hit her right in the face. On the concrete stood an older woman, watering her plants and bushes with a hose, staring with wide eyes at Veronica. "Morning.." Was all she managed to speak at that moment, since she was freezing cold and wanted to disappear. The woman stood as still as a statue, but the water from the hose still flowed.

"Hey Roni, you okay?" Vanessa eyed her sister as she saw her sitting on her bed, shaking and soaked. "It's 4am, why are you up?" She leaned against Veronicas door, concerned. "Oh, I couldn't sleep last night, so I uh, took a shower.." Veronica scratched the side of her wet head. "Uhm, okay, well do you want to talk about anything? Anything at all?" Vanessa walked in and sat down on her sisters bed, a tiny bit of light creeping through the blinds. Veronicas eyes became watery as she looked into her sisters. Her twin noticed, then pulled her into a hug, which Veronica held onto for a while. Her eyes tightened as a tear creeped out, but she held in the rest. They let go, and Vanessa sat, moving her right knee up so she could rest her chin on it. She faced Veronica, waiting for her to let whatever she had to out. Veronica scooted and faced the front of the room, staring at the door. "Please talk to me Roni. " Vanessa whispered with a lot worry in her voice. Her twin shook her head and turned around, a small smile on her face. "I'm okay. It's just been a crazy week I guess." Vanessa nodded, looking down. "Okay, okay. Talk to me when you feel like it. I'm here. And I know you feel the same." Vanessa slowly got off the bed and took one glance at her sister again, then walked out, quietly shutting the door. Roni huffed and fell back into her bed, covering her face, wishing she knew she could tell her sister what was going on, but didn't even know herself.

Veronica opened her gym locker putting a rubber band on her wrist, then was about to put on her running shoes until Colleen slammed the locker right in her face. "Alright sweetheart, why don't you tell me where you're getting your juice?" She kept her angry voice down, even though they were in an empty locker room. Veronicas head shook and she squinted her eyes. "What?" Colleen's fierce brown eyes stared into hers, stabbing her soul. "I said, where are you getting your juice?" Colleen looked her up and down intensely. Roni's eyes wandered as her brows sunk, having no clue what she was talking about. "My dad does all the grocery shopping.." Colleen scoffed at her response. "No, listen Merrell, you're going to tell me exactly what it is and who you're getting it from, because there is no way in hell your kicking ass on the net like that so suddenly." Veronicas brain clicked, realizing what she was going off about. "Oh—" Veronica shook her head, "you mean steroids!" Her eyes widened. "Are you on steroids?" She asked, still confused. Colleen locked eyes with her and shoved her against the locker, making her wince. "What is going on with you Merrell? If you don't tell me, I'm going to ask your sister." Veronica swallowed hard. "What's going on with me?!" Colleen nodded her head, hoping to pull whatever information she could get out of her. "You really want to know?!" Colleen let go of her grasp on Veronica, still staying close to her. "W-Well, so would I, because I can see, hear, and smell things that should be impossible, I'm sleep walking hundreds of miles into the middle woods, and I'm totally convinced that I'm losing my mind!" She sighed heavily from relief of finally being able to tell someone all of that, even though it probably wasn't the right person. Colleen's eyes tightened, then she let out a little laugh. "You think your funny, don't you Merrell? I promise you, I will figure out what ever you're hiding, and when I do, it won't be pretty." Colleen smacked the right side of the locker as she walked away, making Veronica jump.

"Roni, wait up!" Vanessa hopped to her sisters side on the bench. "Nessa, can't this wait?" Veronica rushed, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. "Yeah, yeah, it's just I overheard Uncle Steve talking," their uncle was a cop and he lived close to their house so he could visit. Vanessa was there a lot since she was more interested in the work he did. "and the test results came back, they found animal hairs on the body—" Veronica started walking away. "Nessa, I've got to go! Elimination game is about to start!" Her twin was about to bolt toward her from how intense the news was. "Roni, you're not going to believe what the animal was!" Vanessa sunk onto the bench, frustrated as her sister left her side."It was a wolf.." She mumbled as the whistle blew. "Let's go, gather around." The coach stood beside the volleyball net, waiting for the girls to join her. They all walked toward her in a crowd. As Veronica sprinted, she caught a glance of Finn smiling and waving at her as he walked by. A smile formed her face as she saw the bright eyed boy, and she waved also. "Got a question, Merrell?" The coach suddenly popped up in her face, making the smile melt immediately. "What..?" She asked. "You raised your hand, do you have question?"
"Oh, huh? No, I was just uh.. nothing, sorry.." The coach nodded and turned to the team of girls. "Okay, here's how this is going to work." She clasped her hands together, speaking loudly. "If you don't make the cut, you're most likely sitting out for the rest of the season. If you make the cut, you play. Now, get out there, and show me what you've got!"

AN: Hey! Sorry it's taken me a bit to update, I've been busy and haven't had much time. I'm hoping the next chapter will be up sooner! Thank you for the support. :)

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