Meeting Horus God of The sky

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Running inside Osiris tomb you stopped at the stairs you didn't see anyone just Osiris coffin You then gasped as you heard a voice.

I don't need anymore worshipers! Unless you brought more wine then get out! You frowned at the bitter voice but that didn't stop you from your goal. I'm no worshipper! You yelled back. Then what are you some Thief?

Yes a thief! I have something that Set took from you! You opened your hand the eye glowed blue you heard a gasp then a grunt you looked up and saw Horus getting up trying to find you. No mortal can steal from Set, did you kill someone just to get in? It wasn't that hard to get in unseen. He held out his hands. Give them to me. Not yet! Give me my eyes! I backed away from the blind God, you were terrified he might hurt you or worst!

I-i have a favor to ask! That seemed to get him piss him off. You dare bargain with me! He took of his cloak showing off his muscles you would have blushed if he didn't attack you with his spear! You did a back flip to keep the spear from cutting your cheek before jumping on his back then landing on the floor.

Be Lucky I'm willing too! you cant strike a three legged elephant! You want a reward I support Gold? Gold I can steal. He growled before twirling the spear around trying to hit you again I hit the ground and started to roll he came at me with his spear until I was over the eage I was quite so he wouldn't hear me you saw a rock and threw it making him follow the sound

I need your help to save someone! From what!? Death! He stopped and stared at you. (well at least trying too any way) Didn't your father teach you that death isn't the End!? I yelled trying to reason with him.

It cant be done! You glared at him. Well figure it out! your Horus lord of the air! Fine I'll just go throw what I have in the Nile! Wait!

You smiled running back outside to get Zaya you picked her up like a princess and put her in front of Horus who put his hands on her heart. Stay with the living. Stay with living. He sighed moving away from Zaya. It's to late her soul is to far gone. Tears started forming in your eyes but you held them back be strong Bek! But You must do something! I've done all I can, she must walk her own path. No no no this was not happening I was the oldest I was support to protect her! Anubis come forth! Suddenly the guardian of the underworld was in front of us making my eyes go big in shock he looked at Zaya. You are released. He grabbed her hand and her soul came of she looked so confused. What do you offer? S-she died a slave. without gold she can't pass to afterlife! For you lord Anubis I have only my smile. She said smiling gently. Zaya! Zaya!  The dead can't talk to the living. And with that my dear little sister was gone tears rolled done my eye's. Now give them to me. I looked at Horus in rage.

Are you fucking kidding me!? You did nothing!
I did what you asked now give me my eye's! You big jerk! Walk around blind for the rest of your life for all I care! Without Zaya I have nothing! Suddenly he grabbed my arm making me stop talking and as crazy as this sounds his hand felt nice.

You want to hide from me, Learn to talk less. He said sticking his hand out for his eye I gave it to. Here! With that he pushed me to ground putting his eye back in before starring at me with a surprised look. You? I looked at him confused getting up from the ground. Where's the other? W-well i- Where's the other? Well I'm not actually sure but- before I could finish he grabbed my neck choking me! I'll snap your neck.

Y-you must hate Set for what he did to your father! Bad idea because he choked me harder lifting me of the ground. T-the pyramid! I-i know how to getting inside Set's pyramid! How? I tried to tell him but he was choking me! His eye's went wide seeing me turn blue putting me down gently. It's where he keep his power locked up right? If I could get you inside could you kill him? He narrowed his eye letting my neck go. How would you do that? I saw that plans. Tell me! I'll show you! Go on. If you bring Zaya back! He starred into my Brown eye's and I starred at his blue eye. There maybe a way.


Horus had put his clothes on while I looked at Zaya she didn't even look dead she looked like she was asleep.(Sleeping beauty anyone?)No one may leave the afterlife once entered but the journey threw the gates will take servel days and only the king can make Anubis turn back, if I kill Set and take back the crown before your beloved sister reaches the gate I maybe able to save her he turned closing the door on Zaya. (Sorry I don't know what it's called🙇)

Try to keep up! He yelled walking ahead of me I looked at Zaya before running after Horus, Don't worry Zaya I'm going to bring you back I promise even if I have to work with the arrogant God of the Sky himself 😑

Me: Yay I mad it to the next chapter 🙌 now the Adventure begins! Let's all pray to Ra that Bek can handle Horus😅

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