(Picture Above: one of the baby robins poking its head out.. zoom in, it's pretty cute)
Let me start by saying I respect and enjoy nature. I mean I don't go on crazy three day biking trips or anything, but I can appreciate what God has given us.
With that being said, I must admit.. there is a robin at my house that I personally do not like. AT ALL. This robin is the father of the baby birds that are currently living on my deck. I know this particular robin is the father because in true guy fashion- he shits all over everything. At about 5am he likes to torment me by pecking on my bedroom window. I'm fairly certain he has an agenda to make me miserable. To make it worse this robin, likes to peck on the window at 8am, 10am, noon, 3pm, 4pm, 8pm and he usually gives one final good night at 10pm.
Today I was asked to sit upstairs and wait for a ups guy to bring my brothers new computer (someone had to sign for it). I turned on my new favorite movie, "Not Another Happy Ending", and within 10minutes of the movie the robin FOLLOWED ME UPSTAIRS! He made me aware of this by pecking on the window to the living room. This was my confirmation that he hates me and has been targeting me.
Why am I telling you this story? Other than to rant about my misfortune? I'm telling you this because there is a good lesson from the full story.
After talking to my parents about the robin, I realized it was pecking on any and all reflective surfaces at our house. Not because he is targeting my family, but because he sees his reflection and thinks he's defending his area and his babies from another robin. This is a good story to help you remember that even when you think you know the full story, you might not. There is almost always something going on that you aren't aware of. Most of the time the "robins" in your life aren't targeting you.
In life, we come across situations that we don't fully understand all the time. In many instances we are quick to make our judgements, and quick to hate.
Tonight it has been thundering and raining heavily. I have yet to see the robin since this morning. I am praying that the little babies are surviving the storm- as well as the pecking robin.
Next time you have a "robin" in your life, understand that you don't know their fully story or what they are going through. Choose to love the robins in your life.
Rediscovering Myself
Non-FictionBasically a Blog. This is not a how-to, but a journey of rediscovering who I am. I can guarantee there WILL be mistakes for I am human. Mistakes do not define who we are, how we respond does.