The First Morning

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  A programmed breeze gently grazes against the back of my game-spawn armor as I walk along digital plains that act as my environment. My right hand, though made of pixels and code, grips  around the image-handle of my Karakurenai; a Katana I earned prior to the end of the Alpha. I was allowed to choose some gear from the Alpha to carry over into the full release, in of which would be nerfed for obvious reasons. My other hand clutches around a spear title the Guilty Thorn.
  A low-level mob called a Frenzy Boar rallies up with two others just like it, turning them toward me. I stop in place, loosening up on my grip on the spear, just so I'm not so choked up on it. The first mob (shortened name for monsters in video games) charges straight for me, bringing a smirk across my face as I look down upon it. The Boar bolts toward me without sign of stopping, it's eyes glowing red with fury as it puffs heavy amounts of air from it's nostrils. I lift my right foot as high as I estimate necessary, then gracefully jump off of the boar by pressing my foot against it's head. While flying high into the air I flip upside down, propelling my spear into the neck of the boar as fast as I can. The attack pierces through the coded flesh of the beast, causing it to pixelize nearly instantaneously. I resume the flip, now falling toward the ground right-side-up, and simultaneously lift my Katana above my head. Upon landing, I roll to absorb the impact of the fall, then leaping int the direction of the next Frenzy Boar. I soar gracefully through the air, before activating my sword skill, which causes the Karakurenai to glow a bright white, with faint hints of red. I begin to flip at high speed midair, then slicing through the next boar with ease. Once I've landed again, I spin around toward the final boar, only to find it charging closer and closer to me. I quickly hold my hand against the flat of my sword, aiming the opposite flat toward the incoming opponent. The approaching boar gets held back by the flat of my blade, struggling against my built up strength, before I redirect it's head upward. It rolls onto its back unintentionally, revealing the easiest crit point on it's entire body; it's stomach. I leap into the air, twirling numerous times before diving directly at the downed mob. Stabbing downward into it's gut, I chuckle as the pixels coat the air around me.
  "Impressive." A male voice comments from behind me, causing me to sharply turn my head. A guy with black hair and a standard set of armour stands a few feet away, holding the handle of my spear out towards me. A smirk forms inside my mind as I notice the man's sword to be sheathed, due to the Dual Wield Skill. You see, only the fastest-attacker in the game will be able to have the Dual Wield Skill as a passive. Seeing as how I was the fastest in the Alpha, and I didn't participate in the Beta, the Game Developers carried the skill over to my Full Game Profile. I lift my sword from off the ground, holstering it, before standing to face the newcomer. If there's a chance he didn't see me dual wielding earlier, at least I can keep it a secret a bit longer.
  "Thanks." I respond finally, grabbing my spear from him. I sheathe the spear in it's horizontal sheath on the back of my waist.
  "You're pretty good with that sword, do you have outside training?" He asks, arching an eyebrow and crossing his arms over his leather-armored chest. The boy leans his weight onto one of his hips, seemingly ready to interrogate me through eye contact and vague questions.
  "I guess you could say that." I reply, glancing around the environment as to appear uninterested. I move some of my hair from my face, before looking back at the newcomer.
  "Well, er... Hope to see you at the front lines." The man salutes with two fingers, before he starts walking in the direction of the nearest Safe Zone.
  "Oh- hey, wait!" I exclaim, stepping in the boy's direction, which causes him to turn back to me. "What's your name?" I ask, figuring it a good idea to at least make some names and faces recognizable for... Later, whenever that may be.
  "Kirito." He answers with a smile. I smirk back, then waving as a response to his earlier salute.
  "You?" Kirito asks, I guess he became curious now too.

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