The Four

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  We walked for a while, turning down dark alleys and such, meanwhile Kirito demanded I keep my hood up throughout the entire trip, saying that all their identities needed to be secret.
  Finally, we enter a higher-end inspector's shop, where a large figure, also wearing a hood, greeted us. They pointed us towards a back room, and didn't enter it with us. When we heard the click from the door, everyone else took off their hoods, and Kirito turned to me.
  "You can take off your hood now." He instructs, and I carefully do. Why am I here with these people? Who are some of them? Sometimes I wish I wasn't a solo player, maybe then I'll know what's going on with people, or at least I'll know more people, then again with only 4000 of us left...
  No, I'm going to stick with how I was written, let's get back to the scene.
  "SS, TBW, thank you for coming." A girl with light brown hair thanks, turning to Kirito and some girl with red eyes.
  "No problem LF. This, is SE, just like you asked." Kirito replies, motioning towards me.
  "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, hold on, let's take like, 8 steps backward here, I've been thrown over the cliff with you three, so what's going on here?!" I ask impatiently.
  "Straight Edge, that's the title the people gave you, so SE is your name for our meeting today.." The girl that must've been SS replied.
  "And what about you guys?" I ask.
  "The Black Warrior." Kirito replies.
  "Lightning Flash Asuna, but most just go with Lightning Flash." The girl with the brown hair says.
  "Survivor's Shield." The girl that first answered my question said, looking at me with her red eyes..
  "So, uh, I guess this is the part where I trust you guys and we go do badass adventures and such? Like Scooby-Doo?" I ask, jokingly. Oh shit, wait..
  "Who?" Kirito asks.
  "Sorry, just- Ignore that." I reply, throwing on an awkward smile and scratching the back of my head. I forgot the fictional world doesn't have Scooby-Doo for some reason.
  "Anyway.." LF says, and walks around a table in the middle of the room.
  "Why are we locked in here?" I ask, sitting across from LF.
  "It's so we have warning if anyone's coming through to listen, some people with lower listening skills just lightly knock, and then they can hear, but if anyone hits that door enough times for it to be considered a knock, it's louder because it's locked. We shouldn't have that problem though, since TBW has a maxed out Listening skill." SS replies, sitting on one side of the table.
  "Wow, you have all the answers today huh? I should talk to you more often, people around here beat around the bush too much.." I chuckle, and Kirito sits on the other side of the table.
  "Back to the meeting!" Kirito exclaims awkwardly, I'm going to guess LF was giving me a funny look.
  "Right." I reply, looking to LF.
  "So, we're the four best players in Sword Art Online, so it's natural that people look up to us." LF states.
  "If I may, didn't someone face Heathecliff under the name 'The Black Warrior'?" I joke.
  "Yes, it's true that TBW lost to Heathecliff, but I guess the people get some weird.. I don't know, feeling about him." LF replies, annoyed. "Are all you SP'ers like this?" She asks, and we all gradually nod.
  "We like to know shit." I reply.
  "She's not wrong.." Kirito adds.
  "Whatever! Sorry I asked, anyway, it'll be our job to get the 3800 players out of this game." LF states, and my stomach drops. "What is it now SE?" LF asks, clearly annoyed.
  "D-Did you say-"
  "3800 players remain, yes." LF cuts me off, then resumes her speech. "THAT'S why we need to work harder on clearing the floors, it's crucial that we spend all our time grinding out XP, and leveling the highest we can so we have less problems with the later floors." LF says.
  "I think we should help the people more than anything.." I hear the SS girl whisper under her breath.
  "That's not a bad idea." I say, and LF slightly glows.
  "Well thanks!" LF says proudly.
  "I mean- erm, your idea was good, but, what was it.. SS? Yeah, her's was better, and we're solo players, so if we think that's the best idea, then we've either been hit on the head or we're desperate." I reply, and she slouches back down.
  "What even was her idea?" LF asks.
  "We need to help the people more, get everyone leveled up, that way there'll be less casualties." I reply.
"Well- I mean I- Uh- ...dammit." LF says, defeated.
  "There's also the Laughing Coffin." Kirito adds.
  "Yeah.." SS once again whispers.
"So it's settled." I begin, standing up. "We'll take out the Laughing Coffin, and we'll help the people level up." I finish, and place my hand, Palm down in the middle of the table.
  "What are you trying to do?" LF asks.
  "Yeah.. I don't get it either?" Kirito asks. Just as I begin to slide my hand away, SS throws her hand on top of mine, and I flash her an appreciative look. Kirito and LF put their hands onto the pile too, confused, and SS and I throw everyone's hands up, like a team celebration thing.

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