The End

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  No bright lights came on. No special person in my life was leaning over my bed, looking into my eyes. I could barely move in all honesty, but I could breathe, I could breathe real air. I could feel my sheets, I could feel real sheets. Is this hell? Have I finally passed over? Am I just going to live in eternity, staring at darkness, breathing and feeling the same thing for all of eternity?
  I regret lots of things in my life. I've been a bad person, I've done bad things, and I've failed. I've failed to be the daughter I should have been. I failed to be the person I should have been.
  If I could go back and change it all I would, without a doubt. I'd spend more time with my mother, I'd sock my stepdad in the dick. I'd have dated more people, I'd have taken my studies more seriously. I would still have logged into SAO. Why? Well, I met people there. Met friends, ones that would have been lifelong.
  "Itami-Chan?" A man's voice asks. Oh thank god this was getting boring.
  "Hello?" I attempt to ask, but nothing escapes my throat.
  "You're all awake!" The man's voice says, happily.
  "All?" I attempt, and again have no success.
  "Itami-Chan, Ayaka-Chan, Kazuto-Kun!" The man's voice says happily, and in a moment the lights flash on, blinding me. Soft and thin hands wrap around the bottom of my NerveGear,  and release my head from it. I can feel a mountain of hair fall over my face, and for a moment I'm blinded. Then, the same hands move the hair from my face, and I am now looking into a familiar face. Where do I know this man from? He was one of Mom's friends, right? Ko-Kompanion?
  "Where am I?" I begin to ask, and still, I cannot speak.
  "You're all safe now, you cleared Sword Art Online!" Kompanion says, happily.
  Days pass before we're able to properly move and speak. We've all become really frail, but at least I learned that Survivor's Shield was really a girl named Ayaka. We were able to leave a full month after the end of Sword Art Online, and I learned that Kompanion works two jobs, one with my mom and the other for the government. He set up a room where the four of us were supposed to be held.
  That's right, four, and supposed. Asuna Yuki, or at least that's what the real world calls her, was put into hospitable care by her family. So they didn't take the free service like my family huh? That's odd.. I thought mom had me in a regular hospital, but I found out that the government came in after she put herself in the game, and they took the three top players that were allowed via family to be put into free care.
  So, time passed. My mother was unable to see me, they said that human interaction had to r thrust upon us to make sure that we could handle surprises in real life. So, what do they do? They keep us around the same people for a month, and then throw us back into the real world. Apparently, legally, the government couldn't tell the families where we were or even tell us how to get home. It was our job to readjust to the real world and to figure out all those things. The only thing they told us before we left, was that a special school was made for us ex-players, one that eased us into regular school and regular life again.
  It's all too weird for me to explain perfectly though.
  But today's February 14th, and I'm in Nargale Park, surrounded by couples. My strength's back, and I'm basically normal again, physically that is.
  "ITAMI!" A friendly voice yells. I turn around, onto to see a bright pink jacket cover my vision, and a large force push against me. The owner of the voice and I fall, and I hit my head on the cold grass. "Oh gosh I'm so sorry!" The voice says. I open my eyes, and once my vision recovers, I see Lisbeth, sitting on my stomach.
  "You're alive.." I acknowledge. "Let's try that again." I chuckle, and she nods. She leans down, and her cold lips press against mine.
  Now, now my story is complete.

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