Chapter 1: Fallen Down

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Btw, if you did not know, this is supposed to be the second attempt to write my Flowerfell story, the first one was held off for awhile, for I did not think it was very successful (It sucked), so I decided to create a new one. I had written down a whole entire fanfic for Flowerfell, and on my first story, I was going to copy in down and publish it, but while making it, I had changed it completely, and made it worse. So now, I am going to write down how it was originally supposed to be, I hope you enjoy <3

Frisk's P.O.V

I let out a bloodcurdling scream as I fell down a mysterious hole, I don't remember what I was doing before that....I just....started falling. My vision was obscured by something...."Flowers!", I thought to myself, as I kept on falling. "How deep is this hole?!", I panicked with sharp breaths. This reminded me of when I had fallen down a massive hole before, it led me to a whole other world, I met people I still care about, but had to leave them..... Those were the greatest memories of my life....memories I could never forget.....But.....I had done something back then....that I had regretted.....And till this day...I still do. My screaming stopped as soon as I landed, I was startled by the impact of my fall, but I had survived.... I tried to sit up quickly, but the numbness of the flowers slowed me down painfully. I tried to get a good idea of my surroundings, but it was hard to tell where I was. I touched the object under me, curious to what had cushioned my fall, I felt a flower petal in between my fingers, then everything went silent, as shock and disbelief crawled into my thoughts. "Impossible! Is can't be...I never ca-", a tiny voice interrupted my thoughts. "F-Frisk? Is that you?", I strained my ears to get a good hearing of the voice, it sounded somewhat familiar...."Flowey?!", I said, before even thinking. I heard the voice gasp in response, "I-It is you! Oh Frisk....I-I missed you so much and I-I can't even begin to tell you ho-", I shushed Flowey, telling him to catch his breath, as I crawled around the patch of flowers, looking for my small companion. While in the process of finding the golden flower, I bumped into something, it felt like a stone, with words engraved on it, strange....this wasn't here before...... I ignored it, and continued to search for the location where Flowey was planted. Finally, I had found where my flower friend was, and sat infront of him. "Flowey....I.....can't believe it....", I spoke, while touching his petals....."I'm.....back?", I started to calm down, as I bent down to speak to Flowey. "I.....I shouldn't be here.....", I frowned. My time had ended a long time ago, when I had given up my SOUL, for the monsters trapped down in this hellhole, seven souls, and king Asgore becomes a god....Seven souls, and the barrier could be broken, I felt bad for these poor creatures.... I had read a long time ago...that monsters and humans once lived in peace.... Monsters, were kind, and lived happily with the humans, but one day...war broke out. The reason for it, was because humans started to fear that one day, the monsters would absorb their SOULS and use it to their advantages, eventually, the humans trapped the monsters down here....under Mt. Ebott, with a barrier, that could only be broken with the help of seven human souls, and one monster soul, each of the seven souls represented powerful traits, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, BRAVERY, INTEGRITY, JUSTICE, PERSEVERANCE, and lastly, DETERMINATION. With these souls, monster kind could be freed. When I had first fallen down here, I had found out that they had already obtained six souls, they just needed one more, and that....was me... I was scared, but I made my way through obstacles, and monsters, I had met friends that I would never forget. One of them, was Flowey, he had stayed with me throughout all of my ups and downs while trying to escape the underground world. The other person, was Sans...Our friendship started off as a nightmare, but slowly started to grow, together, we bonded, and eventually, he joined us on my journey back to the surface. Without him, I would've never reached the barrier. I'm glad I met him, I'm glad I discovered this place.

Sans' P.O.V

I woke up in discomfort, I wasn't able to sleep at all last night....I had another nightmare, about Frisk, how I killed them, over, and over, and over again. It was so...horrific, I couldn't  believe how foolish I was. In reality...I did kill them, multiple times, and still till this day...I have regretted it. Some have  told me to just forget about the just get over their death.....but I  can't, I can't just forget about the only person who had ever showed me any kindness. I'll wait for them, I'll wait for them till the day I die, I know their gonna come back....I just know it. I know they'll reset. They just have too. I slowly dragged myself out of bed, and put on my red sweater, aswell as my scarf. I didn't have my jacket anymore, I gave it to Frisk a long time ago, when they were on the verge of dying from the cold. When they gave up their SOUL, I didn't take it back....I had left it with them, even when they were buried. It has been at least 2 years, since Frisk's death, and still no sign of them returning, but I ain't giving up on them. I went downstairs to exit the house, when I was suddenly interrupted by Papyrus, my older brother. He looked at me with that same expression of disgust, as he raised a non-existent eyebrow. "BROTHER, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!", he spat coldly. I looked back at him, with an expression that I could tell he couldn't read. "I'm visitin' the human's grave, and I ain't lettin' ya stop me", I replied with a bitter tone, as I exited  the house, and then left Snowdin, while making my way to the ruins. I would visit Frisk's grave at least once or twice a week. Sometimes Asriel would be there, sometimes he would not, either way, I would whisper to the flowers that grew around their grave, and talk to them, as if Frisk was there. I would stay there for hours in grief and sorrow. I sighed, as I neared the giant doors of the ruins, Queen Toriel, no longer stayed there, and had moved back to be with King Asgore, so I wasn't barging into somebody's home. I walked through the catacombs, avoiding puzzles and traps, while fighting against opponents, until I had reached my destination. My jaw gaped in shock and disbelief, when I saw, sitting there, in front of their grave....was Frisk with Asriel in their embrace. I opened my mouth slowly, as I began to speak.

Frisk's P.O.V

"F.....Frisk?", Flowey squeaked again. I shook myself back into reality, and tried to turn my head towards the small fragile flower. I could tell he was shaking, so I pat him lightly to calm him down, he started to tear up. "Frisk, w-we have so much to catch up on!", he spoke in excitement. I smiled warmly down to him, I could feel his vines take hold of my body, he was now perched perfectly on my thighs. He cuddled close to my clothes, as I let him into my embrace. Now, the waterworks were really turned on. "P-Please.....Don't leave us again!", the flower cried out. I stood still and quiet, with him still in my embrace. "I...Don't want to....let go...", he whispered under his breath. I waited patiently for Flowey to let out his emotions, until a voice behide us, made me freeze in shock. "S-Sweetheart?".

Whelp, I guess this is a better beginning than my other story, but who knows, maybe I've just made it worse XD Though I am starting to like this one more. And this will take longer to update. So till the next one, stay DETERMINED! ;) Oh and I'm too lazy to edit my work, so if there are mistakes then just ignore them, I'll come around and edit my work eventually, but right now, I'm not, ( Mainly cuz it's like 3 am over here, and I'm so damn tired XD)

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